Dec 3, 2010

bunk out today!

hey bunk out today:)miss me?haha

what exactly hapen is alot

but just to let u noe.tis was the first time i reli i home sick.i wanted break down.maybe bcuz i tink too much...

first day was a little slack.our c.i.i is very nice:)
first day wasnt reli good cuz the frends i made on day zero is not in my bravo squad:(
then i made frends w tis 1.9m tall guy.thinesh.he is a gentle giant.then came in jayraj.the good lookin guy.i mean im not gay but cn la he quite cool...then we 3 were stuck like glued tgt but then came tis botak jones!name shazli came to us n make frends.he is pretty smart chubby guy w good sense of humour.he called jay MILF n then we find it cool.the first 2 days we four we un-seperate-able.we always are the 4 first one to q to eat but last to volunteer:P

but at last we didnt gt momentum goin we no longer was the first guy...
then wen we ice break get to noe FISHBALL!APPLE!fishball is reli cute.she is w rox clique n like callin me garlic!made frends reli fast i did.dylon(dancer boy wanted to join us)amirul the joker too join us on the 4th day:)

basicly the cibtc was ok.the 3rd day was a little tirin cuz we slp at 12 n wake up at 5 everyday n on wednesday thr is 10hrs our drill session.jay the gay boy got cramp n thinesh tore his pants!

jay saw this gal we call her shisha.quite cute.n i kacau her abit la.(she donoe abt it)
yjay wen we havin lecture was so bored that he play the flame game.i got frends w the shisha in that game n he laugh so much.(the game u all noe right?)

then tis chanel gal quite cute too bcum frends w me n the milf academy damn f up.she kip cumin n doin the sword drill w me:Pppl wan take pic i holdin sword haha.n some tot i did sword drill b4 as i help the c.i teach...

its fun la.but ya we learnt alot.not thr to flirt.
last day i woke up late!good ting cn do tings fast!

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