Dec 10, 2010

Pulau Ubin

heyyo today must reach changi ferry terminal at 8.was shock to meet jared n others otw...ate thr n then some ppl we had to rush...-.-

it was like mornin pt at ubin man...

then today abit slack ah cuz i onli do flagstaff n then discuss n tlk.flagstaff was jay n thinesh plus amirul was in one group.the peg wen all wrong n since got no time(its a competition anw) i tell jay to whack the peg in w hand since he wan look 4 peg.wen he saw how easy i do it we 3 start doin peg.ours came up first i tink...thr were others too but they nv finish.i proud to say i tink my group was near 100% perfect.
so we wen arnd to help other bravo squadmates.wen i help eunice to hold the spar 4 her we end up takin pic tgt haha

then go back singapore take taxi to mosque.i slpt thr-.-

wen we cum back everytin finish except discussion on group is trainin n im in charge of pt:)damn shiok.we play chapteh made from mother nature.
ok basicly we had fun.tmr suppose go ubin but i got test at hta...arh...

oya some ppl actualli dowan me bcum pti cuz i told them my minimum wud be 20 push up n they start complainin bunkmate milo boy also not hapi...wen last nite at hq wen we were havin tlk cock session in the dark he told me to fight w him push up.if i lose i will make pt i told him "u do two hand push up.20 straight.or at least follow my pace.i will do one hand.''...wen we go down tgt he stop at 17 n i continue to do 20:) bragin haha.but ya wen i wear my nite singlet i tot wan show off gals but instead got molested buy guys left right n chest-.-
then oya today i told them i wont b eatin w them n they start to try n tell me to eat w them sayin they blanja all that but ya at lst i go off:)haha nice we start again?

all the way from camp site to jetty i try to lead on 3 cheers?n its fun:)
Bravo oi!oi!
bravo bravo!sat sat lovell!/soon keng!/booyah!
bravo....booyah!(n all reply BOOYAH!)

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