Dec 17, 2010

at last the result:)

hey!today come a little late for selection.we had to choose hu go first n then ya i wen last.right after i march out i gt to go back to unity square.n then soon keng sir say aiyah u noe hu pc la k.khalid congrats u p.c.fuuyoh!

i took charge n ya f.i were nice.
did mistake here n there.

ppl were H.O came to me n say ur woc is great.i wen thx maam:Pn she added u got a sweet smile hahah!
i donoe y but the c.i.i thr all like close n nice to me.
jiamin especially!i love her man!she came to me.tlk n then patted my back n i like the way she tlk n smile it gv me motivation:)
c.i.i firdaus is new face thr but ya v nice to me.he n li ling maam were bside me n gvin me tips:)haha
got tis c.i.i too came to me n asked which sch i from n he noe sharina:)

but then again being parade commander is stressful.
lets hope i do well tmr ya.

went hm late cuz mr song(assistant cord),f.i n c.i.i all sit w me n tlk.i feel weird being thr cuz i like xtra

then wen at mrt tis gal smile to me.i smile bck.i tink i noe her but yet i i ask whr she goin n she said serangoon.mayb she from bowen?
wen she wan alight i ask if she noe me cuz i don rmb her but she said!
yup love today:)

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