Dec 19, 2010


hey today come cck early...

mit others n ya they were like wa p.c here n there..

practice wet weather.under 24hrs i hv to learnt 3 parade sequence was kinda tough...

f.i azri was nice.
hmm last min changes here n thr confuse me....n him...

ok to make tings short...i change to number one uniform.put on the mike.n ya im off to go.i pai seh say tis but cool le wlk arnd w number one u w mike...

one o.c i tink was wlkin arnd.n there the c.i.i at the coridor was shakin n gvin me motivation.
alot of other c.i.t trainee came to me to like just shake hand n wish me luck.sum even hug haha.

maam were great beside me always.kinda like my p.a.

at the tunnel few photographer was bhind me askin the c.i.i who was the p.c.wen they ans its me.fuyyoooh their camera big n small all take pic.i was blinded man!

at last i march out.draw sword n ya.parade start.soon keng sir gv me his rank.ya kinda proud moment bcuz wearin soon keng sir rank n parents puttin the rank 4 me.

i cockup but after the parade all c.i.i n f.i come to me n congratulate me.i donoe if they dowan make me sad but ya except for f.i azri hu said alamak u nv salute i bedal u then u noe.
other comment were awesome!

li ling man was cute cuz she told me that i hv gotten popular cuz alot of the female instructor r goin gaga over me?
one female c.i.i cuter.she came to me n ask,''cn i shake ur hand?''i was like duh of cuz.i was the onli p.c.i thr w all the c.i.i n f.i.the h.o over thr also say i was great n was me go npap.

inside harmony hall was crazy.ppl went eh parade commander take pic w me.some play tug n war w me.rippin me mum was like khalid u flirt so much ah?
its was just bcuz some gals go call me boyfrend n some wen on to hug.some even say i hot-.-

the hot part reli make me paiseh cuz wen other guys heard it.i got to take pic w her-.-

some wen a little overboard cuz infront other o.c go hug n ya.even some o.c abit childish.i donoe the power of p.c but i tink it is reli powerful.

ya lots of hug.praises n ya.happy today.thx to all:)muackx

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