Dec 9, 2010

end of RC2 after the up n down

wat hapen tis wik?first day wen v lunch i receive an sms.a bad prediction wen uncle gave up.but way too early.i broke down at hta.but ya thx to all those that came to me n gv me letter,hug,comfortin hand n encouragin words.especially my milf academy.i cn say the r like the replica of furious 5...except the foundin member r 4 of us n we recruited two ppl.

jiamin maam were nice.i gt to c her cool uncle right after being buries i nv wen bck 4 the doa doa.i go straight to hq...

it was good then especially wen my gayraj is always disturbin haha.

n then the news come out.the so call ''best'' 16 out of 130plus cadet inpector trainee was chosen...i was one of them.while others watch movie we were whackin hard on sword drills.alot of ppl then came to me tellin me i cn do it n make it to top 4.but i noe i serious.the good part was that wen i say i tink i cnt do it they rub my back n say lets not put pressure on u...just do ur best n represent days n i gt their trust.thx ppl

then today was reli a long day.from lights on to bunk out we were in full u-.-
i become ''hero'' 4 bravo wen one of the c.i.i thr got crumblin down in pain.i was the onli bugger that ran out of squad to catch was quite dramatic.especially wen he cried n told me to take over to count the m16.that wat i call passion 4 np.after takin over 4 him.i gain confidence n took charge of the batch.leadin them out off rain.

but then the drill ASSesment went wrong.the ma'am seems to tekan us instead of testin us.i got stiches but then just try to live w last my anger took the better of me.i show attitude n nearly got fight w a batchmate inside the toilet.good ting shazli pull me.haix.then came shootin.the first shot went i DONOE WHR cuz i was like tryin aim n then BAM!one guy shoot n since i got shock i also fire...but i tink overall i did ok.but wont get best shooter award...

oya we M.A also start the BOOYAH!haha fun!i love the RC...

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