Dec 12, 2010

gt to make a quick update

ytd was selection 4 contigent comander n parade comander.ppl say i good i tink i did shit.

yts also go beach road n thr i met other bravos.all got excited.joey was like khalid!i miss u!haha.i was like we just met ytd?...of course we were jokin arnd
didnt c suhana at first w fishball till suhana call me from bhind:Phaha love them!

today goin aunty hse haha.tmr ubin till thurs then gt parade trinin then pop!hardcore madness!damn tired every1 wud b i tell u.haha today whole day smsin milo boy:)n im milo noi to him...

haha wat i find funny is tat tis course alot of guys wan b my closest frend?like thr r others like frends r but thr r special one that wan b by my side all the time till that time shazli nearli fight w jay cuz he book me but at last jay tell him to sit w other ppl cuz jay wan sit w me.then nw gt thinesh.n then the jason(he my ''buddy at the selection cos he wan w me onli)was weird cos i nv sit w him w thr was n empty sit bside him.i went bhind n sit n he came all the way n tell me walao dowan sit w i?

lol love cibtc ppl:)both gal n guys!


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