Dec 16, 2010

at last ubin finish

heyyo!i miss singapore!hehe.was at ubin 4
4 scolded alot of times

ok cnt reli tel wat hapen so much but i cn share few significant moment:)

first.i took day number pt.well ppl tink im so fit:Pn some wasnt happy w the ''intense'' pt.they r pussy.however it was nice that some ppl came up to me n say i did great.wen some1 complain that i too stern i was like ok that is it.i got my hate group.but then tis angelic gal stand up n defended 4 me:)))thank you so much:)))

ok...then came the game whr we play jumping tutu(its jumping jack but the timin have to change to whr all even number r subtituted but it goes sumtin like 1-tutu-3-tutu,tutu-tutu-tut3-tutu,4-tutu-3-tutu....)its seems easy but reli it takes ur breath our goal was to beat the best timin which was till 19 team(superman)did 25.
the i.c then sent two ''fittest'' boys n tell us to sent our best fittest boys to challenge.the first ting i did was to sabo ppl.but then the whole group was shoutin 4 me.peng ning my i.c step up n said he willl do it w me.i was like sori not fit.everyone went bullshit!u must go.pity peng ning abit cuz i took the limelight...the i.c did their best n reach 19 n peng ning did 57 which peng ning stop n i go on s my ''cheerleaders'' were cheering me on.i own them:)

nite came...(fast forward last nite at ubin)we sat n did our team briefing...we tlk abt how the f.i n some c.i had the special aura in them...n guess wat?my c.i.i said tis''havin an aura wen u wlk n donnin the uniform is difficult but i cn tell u sometin.khalid has the most aura i have ever seen.for example u cn c how he puff out his chest wen he don the uniform"...n then go all the wolf whisltlin...n i also shared my share abt some c.i from bowen that inspire me.n i got around of applause cos i added that i wan to change some1 life:P

oya at 1230hrs(2nd nite) we got to rush out from tent n got lectured...sad ting we were called names by some1 up..but good ting was that wen he actualli back me n my fellow pti:)))))was hapi man:)his speech was so good that for the rest of the camp it was the trend joke:)my fb has it:P

oya third nite campfire was scolded bcuz we act smart:P

last day today was better:)we stand in a circle n the closin speech was given.which touch my heart.then comes the givin out of collar pin to those to put it...good?
but ya.i tot i would not get it...but then jiamin maam came to me pull me aside n give me the pin,.was it an honour gettin it from assistant cord?yes.she was so nice n so...lovely that i just hold her hand.(not love type k)

n ya c.i.i wlk arnd n best part was that most of them gv me praises.some were;"u r 1 of our best i.c for parade.go for p.c''
''u r very very good.keep it up.i want to c u at the parade''
but the nice one was lovell wen he shook my hand look at me in the eyes for 2 second n told me i m very very very proud of u.
thr r other comments too that said my peers r bad but its a good ting i don join them:P

so after we arrive at changi we went to eat at white kacau some gals.told guys guys joke n yeah we had a great time.mrt we took all the space n ya chanel had to pull me last min out from the closin mrt door cuz i wanted to shake everyone hand.then she scolded me cuz she wan take the next mrt la today.

tmr will be p.c selection.out of 136 c.i.t.its down to 3 of us.the o call best in parade.hope i get p.c.pray 4 me:)but if i don...too bad then.haha.though i would owe alot of ppl alot of tings.

oya we took pictures w teen titans.we were at 3 floor n shouted the teen titan song n the emcee call us down to take pic tgt.we nidded receipt n wen we said we just hv mcdonald's they just accept it:)cool right!

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