Dec 29, 2010

kind of to b quick in update..

hey i got into goh...wan fall out but they say pc cnt...:P

kind of a good experience so far though it is reli reli reli tiring...but ya.
the frendship part n the tings learnt there cnt b bought.

i kind of hv ppl to go to cck w me i hv kah haw n kumaran to go hm w me.
mei qi also wan.n ya wen i go sch i mit either of them or bryan:)

its funny how shazli tell arnd abt me being special...
u c i observe that alot of comander or i.c like to gv kekanan in r.c(like few weeks ago)i didnt use it instead i use betulkan barisan.everyone was caught off guard.n since then betulkan barisan is my i did it again cuz they wanted me to bcum last they hate it since i gv them tukar langkah for the whole parade:P

f.i dominic also like to kacau that im not use to rifle n hv to tell the c.i to gv me sword.ut ya kinda love the feelin in the squad:) gtg nw!

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