Sep 30, 2009

karma?deja vu?

today weird tings hapen...or i could say tis few days...

well it seems i alr losin precious...

raz met me...ytd?
suddenli sms say 1 last at hut she came tto me n say she wan take a walk to tlk.
first went basement...alot of ppl...raz sit at staircase n address her concern...
well im cool...after tat wlk up to 4th story tlk again....met hy,huda n rosma i tink...
after tat separated from raz...

1 of past afternoon nv go hm straight take bus w rox n chella...tlk cock....met dear 'girlfriend' here n thr...n allighted at the same busstop w chella n rox...
wlk all the way to hg mall accompanied by chella(cos i blanja)
he make joke which of of it i like abt one of the girl i hv mention on my blog...
separate again...

today gt physics...okok result...nt hapi in class(even though i did fool arnd)..
raihan nv smile n the classroom seems dull...
after sch was acp..the mayb deja vu?i met my dream friend(reli i dreamt abt him)...the name REN JIE.seems scary though...wat if i met the girl turn??the 'drim girl' which was quite a nightmare??? should i put it...everything seems bright ahead...n suddenli...darkness...

went take hp...shahira wan follow....
now tis is serious..

girls....stop...stop all tis...if u tink guys r jerks...y do tis?
y destroy ur image 4 guys to play w???
im sorry i wrote tis i hope u read n understand...
im nt like hu u tink i am i still am human to do it.
i may b i always respect u girls.

Sep 28, 2009

nice day

ok the autopsy result r out...they say arnd 90% it was not drugs...
i mean he dont reli take it
he wanted to end his life?
ok sudah dikebumikan...

today was gd...on bus saw afiqah at bowen busstop wlk w sam n saw her again...

sch usual....fought w kumar(play2 scold each other...kena scold naabe teng teng teng...hehe)

while goin hm bbt shop saw rox w
he flirtin w
then wlk away look at them damn funny...wlkin tgt hm...

so went home seems quite a long journey...

Sep 27, 2009

wat a dark truth

hey i gtin to the bottom of tis.if u r inhalin or abusin drugs i goin to take action!
stop tis idiot tings!!!drugs fu***** kills
my cousin died cos he overdose n i believe he regret it!!i don wan to lose u


today while waitin 4 my cousin to reach our hse my uncle call my dad..
sadly boy boy pass away.
it seems too sudden.
ytd wen my uncle came to our hse he did tlk abt boy boy2 tink thr is no point goin 4 hari raya wlk abt
nw today they found him dead at the plaground.
me my parents went to the scene...damn its was like 4hrs after he was found bt the police did not move him...
kitty dont noe wats goin on except tellin me"abng, abng boy2 die"
went to my uncle hse n me n my mum was left w kitty(tats nt her real name)..
tlk to her abt many tings...she also tell me abt "naughty aja" which most probably i a ghost cos i ask her if naughty aja is pretty she ans that naughty aja onli came wen the sun is down,no eyes n the leg always nv touch the ground.she added tat she first met aja wen she wen toilet n notice ja at the window.whoa....

pic i took...w khai n shahira pic too...

Sep 26, 2009

thx girls!

firstly...thx to KHAIRIAH AND SHAHIRA 4 cumin to my hse:)

well wake up early in the mornin feelin anxious...
well my fon AGAIN~!!!! problem...damn onli arnd one week buy it...
so i gt to use my bros hp to sms ppl...lost the contact n i don hv a clue of anybodies number...except of cos rox came to my rescue n gv me hy no.
set a place to meet n i went to 'pick' her up at her went to hg point buy bubble tea cos must wait 4 shahira reply...we waited under the void deck n while chatin i saw kumar..hehe shout at him and his reaction cute:P
tlk to him at last shahira came...
go j8 n shahira kindly help me to tlk:PPP
so nw no hp use ppl hp..

catch the mrt n we went 4 my hse...nv tlk to hy cos argue again n tlk to shahira allllll the way....
kacau shAHira abt gettin on bus...damn nice...she blur sotong:DDDD

once we reach abng didi was he go off soon....haix...
khai very gd(reli) at first was awkward bt after few jokes arnd she gt really well w my family...(shahira was quiet)
hy adjust to my family really well that she even sabo mE!!!!!!pandai berkate kate eh....
watch some very old video of me wen i was small n the two girls was laughin at me..;(
after that look at ting my ehem pic was nv shown...

until arnd 7 they go home...being "gentleman" gt to sent them home...besar2 pun tk tahu jln....
separate w shahira n went w khai....
anw at a particular staircase i saw sometin sia...go hm alone veri extreme unusual thing


Sep 23, 2009


love is magic,pure and sweet.
for it alone makes life complete.
given freely-never bought.
the gift mankind has always sought.
love's eternal through the years.
ever strong through joy and tears.
changing not itself at all
BUT working wonders,large and small.
LOVE's a mystery,ages old.
IMPOSSIBLE to see or hold
but when there's something hearts would say.
LOVE,like magic,shows the way...


ok came to sch went to vellan class...he was readin joke book...n started asking me all those question he read....

after that ben came n s usual we wlk arnd...we went to a staircase n vellan did sumtin...stupid ben nearly sabo...second time ben tried to do wat vellan did n he failed the first time damn joker!

sch start n hy came...tlk n kacau...
sch was ok...
rosma kena kacau again...mushroom....hehe....

after sch still gt acp...nice...
nv go hm straight was waitin 4 hariz....then hy came to tlk...then we fought abt sumtin...
now i hate bets!

go hm feelin f...HEY IM NOT SOME TLKIN MACHINE!BORED THEN CUM.haix....cb...

after jog went home n saw dad readin sumtin...n cool all his luv letter n mum luv letter was found:)damn dad's diary was found...he tlk abt how sad he felt abt the break up w my mum b4...n also found a fax that he sent to my mum wen my mum say she still luv he asked 4 her hand then...

Sep 22, 2009

some pic i like 4 the second day of raya...more pic on facebook
b4 com off again...

today bcum raihan escort...saw hy kena parade sq wen the sch gt 2 kip quiet i hate it so i cough(act real) bt raihan kumar n jason laugh so haix...bad james eyes was on me...

kacau roma abt her new luk(should c her reaction wen i tlk to her seriousli...she tot i was goin say how nice she luk)

e math she kena kacau by jon i tlk to jon cos rosma complain...

gt duit raye...thx cikgu...

i hyper like mad today sak...kunliang gt angry w syed today to cool him down i tell him sit on my lap...hehe...instead of he laughin raihan kun liang gt cooled down cos chem watch video abt sperm...hehe

Sep 20, 2009

some of the pic i like:)))))my first ketupat,askin 4 4gvness n my fav uncle n aunt hse

yahooo...hari raya is here!!

the night b4 was nice:)learnt to make ketupat:Pvery easy actually haha!
slept at 3 n thnks to some1 hu sang lullaby to me:)))))

mornin was emotional as sad part nv wake up early enough to tell su BON VOYAGE!

so the hari raya start soon after...went to grandma hse...dear uncle...n aunt:)took some random pic n ya food was YUUUUUMmmmmmYYYYY!!!!!

anw to ppl out thr from the bottom of my heart...Forgive me 4 what i have done n thx 4 everything

Sep 18, 2009

some of the pic i sis bdae...ppl act outside my hse(hari raya)...N level...the mmon in the middle of the day...n kuih bangkit freestyle(homemade)

k i rmb sometin...

firstly thx prabhu n jason 4 irritatin hyriah in class...

i like wat jason tell me the diff btwin girls n boys tinkin...girls mind r like wire while guys r boxes:)

i took prabhu BBC news abt hyriah n syed...took video of syed dancin...

hyriah n kumar gt a shock in their life wen the look at me sending my dear text msg...y?cos i was smsin "i love u dear...muackx","i miss u","u lukin sexy" to the one n only DEAR NIGEL!!!

don noe y every1 seems to cum to me if they nd a listenin ear:)nigel one of them

dear mrs chia...condolence to ur family n niggy sent her some sms...

oya math...e math usual me n ms normala okok baby...
a goh damn happy today cos i did my homework...CORRECTLY!hehe...she did not believe at first wen she check she say out loudly wah i did ah she must bye 4D...:P

nice to make u ppl happy!

oya alot of pic was taken....n yes 1 more day!!!

THE DAY HAS COME!!!tmr will b the last day wow!so fast....
a million apologies to my malay class student cos they really wan me to go bt i did not...sori2...

at last bck 2 com.

ok alot of tings hapen...n really its ALOT!some r bad bt most r gd

firstly...tues?sometin hapen in my family...did not slp all day...
the next day bad mood...g.g kena caught by mr farid...first guy somemore...
since i was bad mood i shawed atti...throw my beg out when he tell me to gt out...nicest part wen mr marvin tell me to cut hair i blurted out bullshit to counciller came n i told her i wan farid meet me n tlk to me...again i lost temper wen some1 act gangster call the councilor to him...i shouted F*** word to him...luckyli the teacher don care....he just look at me
farid came n say he cnt let me go...again i said bullshit to him...i show tat i not hapi then the uncle inside tlk to me to cool down..alas he cut abit...his joke made me cool im tinkin wat if farid also lost his cool????was i wrong????

then still hv eng whr ms james took us...invited her into class like VIP n she was hapi...her eng work was easy...i won a bet w hy...she tot i dumb ah???eh cum on...

kumar n raihan tlk abt NA outing...won go cos no bikini...anw cancelled at last...

b4 tat me jason n kumar tlk wat if ppl fight at the chalet?we also tlk abt wat we cn bring...jason say he wan bring vibrater....i condom(jkjk) then kumar say he bring his pen...Y?cos he say cn take notes n the pen cn poke ppl eye...kumar...kumar....

k lah i 4gt some of tings tat hapen...bye!ANW I LOVE THE SQUAD BLOG!!!anw u saw me three times behind ppl right?its bcos handsome mah...haha jk!

Sep 11, 2009

cnt tink of a title..

2day 9

watchin upin n ipin...very cute!k byes!

Sep 10, 2009

1st day of "fun" holiday

wat a day...

do hsework 4 half the second half tired sia...played game...

nv study???gt...abit....

haix missin u.....
bt u don?
i tink u don..

bt its ok:)
khalid babe!he gt his ways!

Sep 9, 2009

oya girls...

today one girl shock me...i was waitin 4 the bus n tis one girl wlk past me...
i tot i knew her so i look back n notice she was also then i realise...i don noe her...

my bus came so wlk past her n again i notice she lookin...dowan paiseh i don was double decker so i went up n thr i check if sshe was lookin...n yeah she the third time our eyes met we exchange smiles...

still donoe her though....

as "my" girL(the girl i noe) u 4gt me??thx eh...

at last three subject down...

on tuesday we gt listening compre(mt) n s.s....

it was cool 4 the l.c cos wen gt to listen to radio 4 30mins?nice songs were played n kind hearted souls out thr wishin every1 the very best...
after l.c my fellow mt student damn cute...they discuss ans n the best part wen my ans was diff from them the kip worryin:P rai ting gt to comfort her after tellin her that im not ans sheet thr4 i may b wrong n she may b right!:)

S.S....-_-die..dear nigel...wat hapen...last 30 mins he hit the table n went to slp...he said he gv up...wth...

today paper was ok...its was okok cos i tink i cn do it...
first paper talk abt it was nice...
paper 2 ok lah...


Sep 7, 2009

first paper n wat a gd start!

wake up n i feel damn shiok!

once i reach bowen i met ashikin!wow we gt long history!(nt stead)

then start paper...omg...whr gt stress tat much...even though i was sittin right in the middle of the hall n right infront of the invigilator i tk badi dok!anw mayb bcos the chief invigilator i kinda noe...

paper 1 was soso...paper 2 damn nice!!!bt after the paper s usual my malay frends come n ask hows my paper...onli me n hariz tot it was ok...

now the question that left in my head is did i do it well??

ok happy N level ppl!

n thx to those hu wish me luck
nameli;rouhui,douheng,raz,rai,rox,priya,audrey n nigel!did i 4gt any???doubt so
ok thx nigel 4 cheerin me up abt tis ius our war!!!tis time i confirm bring bullet!

hey u ppl now askin right?y in the hell m i updating my blog n not study!!!
i also dont noe

Sep 4, 2009

b4 i 4gt

i went home w isaac too on 3rd of nov...n he tlk abt tis gal...
eh nw the more i cnt luk at u seh...


wat hapen was...

P.E nearli fought w cooled myself cos i was abit at fault...
while playin soccer jon bcame my "FIGHT"...i was pulled,scratched,punched n thrown by dear jon...even though he still couldnt take the ball away from me i admit he acheive sometin..
he gt to injured me...

played as keeper n i gt my "keeper touch" back!nt a single goal:)i jump here n thr even kumar gt frustrated!haha:)

bt still nw thx to hy n my "dear" cousin i cn plaster my cut...thx!

im just proud of myself hehe

ok thx ppl for visitin my blog n cared to leave a tag...stay happy n smile always!

ok on 2nd of nov 2009 at night some1 told me(just call that person u) to study cos U found out i slackin...
so we chatted awhile n at last u said u wanted me to study n go 4 sec 5:)n u believe i cn do it:)yeah!so of course my mind just turn 180 degrees!i wanted to study bcos i noe n i hv promise u the future hold sometin nice 4 me:)

so the start of 3rd nov was actually awkward...
i could not bring myself to serious mode bt readin the msg again i gt the mood...
thr4 i started my quest...s.s i did xtra of wat im suppose to do my bros were shock by my change:Pthey kip askin y i hv bcame hardcore "nerd"...alamak...even mr chua was shocked when i went o=up to him n tell him to mark some of my work;D

the day wen gd...first time kumar,kun liang n wei wei copied my work:P

so wen i went back i told U wat i did:Phehe

today nt so hardcore at first bt i was like in mood swing tat suddenli change to study mode.jason tot i was angry n do some "obsene"
study n study...last hurdle 4 me b4 my mad dash...
even eng my ans was all ehe GD!ms chua was like khalid speak louder ur ans correct...hehe
isehbeb khalid in the house babe!

after sch n prayers went back...chella,vellan,jason n hariz wanted to study suppose to study w the gals-hy n alamak they went home soon after...
went to staff room luk 4 cikgu...he as not i called his hp...
he came back n make me front of gal say"khalid how come u cn bcum hardworkin?tot u slp n play onli?" mane ade dok...
so we went to malay class w cikgu to do work...b4 that meet my fav teacher mr ravin?he was w one of my cadet n that cadet was the first cadet that nearli made me whack his face(rmb tat incident?gd ting xy pulled me away) that cadet was scared of me....i tlk to him in front of the teacher...then gt to noe he is goin to gt expel soon..hope tis year nco cn change him...
ok...i s.s was HELL we asked mr YEO 4 help cos melinda group took mr chua.after study we guys beatbox,draw n listen to music...

i saw gt the feelin y u cum my heart gt the weird feelin abt i distracted myself w the songs....

Sep 2, 2009

what happen today?

come school saw nv tlk.after that tlk w the t1 guy n ben...
sAW jessica...HI...

after that khalid win again:)wanted to help prabhu team bt end up helpin hy team...because some ppl nv cooperate...
alas prabhu team lost...kumar n abu gt to do 20 squats each...(whr gt kick)

then out of the blue heart acts again...could not stand it at then gt OK...

did some "strategies" on N level w kumar...tlk w md goh...ok i'll follow...

now the question pop again...should i or should i not??did u gt my msg?
doubt here i m tryin b a happy kid again:)))helpin ppl in nid n listenin to those hu nid it:)

m i happy?is that a question nw?no...don nd care

nv tot im feeling tis again...

i try to 4gt i cnt...n i have been tinkin again...
y is all tis happenin?self-denial?living in my own lie?
i noe i cnt face tat ans bt i nd it.

gals...extra-ordinary "creature"...
1)they onli cum wen they r bored?
2)they attract ur attention by doin tings-gd n bad
3)wen we r so into them,they say mayb no...
4)wen we luv they say hate.

there is more bt must i spell it out?
after all those they say sorry...they say they don wan to choose that path...y?
one word 4 it...BULLSHIT.
i had enough.
i don care wat i wan now.
i just follow.

Sep 1, 2009


i don noe y bt i hate holidays...
one reason i will miss u ppl....
i miss my bros too...

today gt s.s sms more than study...
learnt some tings bt my stomach was grumbling...nv sahur...

went its time to go hm...i wlk arnd near hg mall...then saw one person i noe from we tlk...hehe...;)

haix sch tmr cant wait 4 it!:D