Sep 23, 2009


ok came to sch went to vellan class...he was readin joke book...n started asking me all those question he read....

after that ben came n s usual we wlk arnd...we went to a staircase n vellan did sumtin...stupid ben nearly sabo...second time ben tried to do wat vellan did n he failed the first time damn joker!

sch start n hy came...tlk n kacau...
sch was ok...
rosma kena kacau again...mushroom....hehe....

after sch still gt acp...nice...
nv go hm straight was waitin 4 hariz....then hy came to tlk...then we fought abt sumtin...
now i hate bets!

go hm feelin f...HEY IM NOT SOME TLKIN MACHINE!BORED THEN CUM.haix....cb...

after jog went home n saw dad readin sumtin...n cool all his luv letter n mum luv letter was found:)damn dad's diary was found...he tlk abt how sad he felt abt the break up w my mum b4...n also found a fax that he sent to my mum wen my mum say she still luv he asked 4 her hand then...

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