Sep 7, 2009

first paper n wat a gd start!

wake up n i feel damn shiok!

once i reach bowen i met ashikin!wow we gt long history!(nt stead)

then start paper...omg...whr gt stress tat much...even though i was sittin right in the middle of the hall n right infront of the invigilator i tk badi dok!anw mayb bcos the chief invigilator i kinda noe...

paper 1 was soso...paper 2 damn nice!!!bt after the paper s usual my malay frends come n ask hows my paper...onli me n hariz tot it was ok...

now the question that left in my head is did i do it well??

ok happy N level ppl!

n thx to those hu wish me luck
nameli;rouhui,douheng,raz,rai,rox,priya,audrey n nigel!did i 4gt any???doubt so
ok thx nigel 4 cheerin me up abt tis ius our war!!!tis time i confirm bring bullet!

hey u ppl now askin right?y in the hell m i updating my blog n not study!!!
i also dont noe

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