Sep 4, 2009

b4 i 4gt

i went home w isaac too on 3rd of nov...n he tlk abt tis gal...
eh nw the more i cnt luk at u seh...


wat hapen was...

P.E nearli fought w cooled myself cos i was abit at fault...
while playin soccer jon bcame my "FIGHT"...i was pulled,scratched,punched n thrown by dear jon...even though he still couldnt take the ball away from me i admit he acheive sometin..
he gt to injured me...

played as keeper n i gt my "keeper touch" back!nt a single goal:)i jump here n thr even kumar gt frustrated!haha:)

bt still nw thx to hy n my "dear" cousin i cn plaster my cut...thx!

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