Sep 4, 2009

im just proud of myself hehe

ok thx ppl for visitin my blog n cared to leave a tag...stay happy n smile always!

ok on 2nd of nov 2009 at night some1 told me(just call that person u) to study cos U found out i slackin...
so we chatted awhile n at last u said u wanted me to study n go 4 sec 5:)n u believe i cn do it:)yeah!so of course my mind just turn 180 degrees!i wanted to study bcos i noe n i hv promise u the future hold sometin nice 4 me:)

so the start of 3rd nov was actually awkward...
i could not bring myself to serious mode bt readin the msg again i gt the mood...
thr4 i started my quest...s.s i did xtra of wat im suppose to do my bros were shock by my change:Pthey kip askin y i hv bcame hardcore "nerd"...alamak...even mr chua was shocked when i went o=up to him n tell him to mark some of my work;D

the day wen gd...first time kumar,kun liang n wei wei copied my work:P

so wen i went back i told U wat i did:Phehe

today nt so hardcore at first bt i was like in mood swing tat suddenli change to study mode.jason tot i was angry n do some "obsene"
study n study...last hurdle 4 me b4 my mad dash...
even eng my ans was all ehe GD!ms chua was like khalid speak louder ur ans correct...hehe
isehbeb khalid in the house babe!

after sch n prayers went back...chella,vellan,jason n hariz wanted to study suppose to study w the gals-hy n alamak they went home soon after...
went to staff room luk 4 cikgu...he as not i called his hp...
he came back n make me front of gal say"khalid how come u cn bcum hardworkin?tot u slp n play onli?" mane ade dok...
so we went to malay class w cikgu to do work...b4 that meet my fav teacher mr ravin?he was w one of my cadet n that cadet was the first cadet that nearli made me whack his face(rmb tat incident?gd ting xy pulled me away) that cadet was scared of me....i tlk to him in front of the teacher...then gt to noe he is goin to gt expel soon..hope tis year nco cn change him...
ok...i s.s was HELL we asked mr YEO 4 help cos melinda group took mr chua.after study we guys beatbox,draw n listen to music...

i saw gt the feelin y u cum my heart gt the weird feelin abt i distracted myself w the songs....

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