Jul 1, 2009


i cant think of a title sorry...

2day came 2 sch...saw khairiah at class alone...say hi 2 her bt she nv reply.after that waited at corridor 2 look 4 ppl i noe...wow alot!then Reena call me to cum 2 her clss-_-she was bored...haix..hope no1 tink we r tgt.Idris help me by calling me up s i feel awkward w Reena frend arnd:l

class start n khai show me atti.i ask her y n then we quarrel...bad mood all the way n Ben bcum a victim...sorry Ben..ANW SOME1 WAS STARING SIA!I think that person noe hu he is...gd thing things turn out 2 b better...

after sch go 2 H.P buy something. khai n rosma follow was not hapi actually whole day nv tlk 2 her...bt gt 2 noe she buy penknife CB!good thing gt 2 tipu her!HAHA!DUMB!hehe jkjk!:D

on the bus "tlk" 2 my luckystar??i hope luckystar cum back 2 me...


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