Jul 7, 2009

a day of hope

ytd went 2 amk hub...met hy first...tlk 2 her abt my plan 4 tat day...met jason n we wlk arnd...
afiqah came i start...bt was stuck...don trust me...again............
jason understand n gd tink jason was thr...
ice age ticket sold out so went 2 plza sing??met rh rosma n e 2 _ monfort guy....they seems friendli but.....haix...

after buyin the ticket went 2 eat..NO MOOD EAT!!!!wanted 2 wlk awy bt jason tired...
wlk arnd some more w jason again go 2 the shops sellin all kind of items...im eyeing the sheriff badge n the $440 gun!wlk again i bcame crazy wanted 2 buy hellboi n predator 'helmet'...
but stil my fav is the badge,the shade n the gun!

my plan did not work.....watch ice age...cnt concentrate!!!!funny though wen jason kip shooing the little kid bhind us...JASON THE BEST BRO!!!
after tat waited 4 them outside cinema...but...cnt say tat tinh right so bcame fed up n wlk away...Jason the "luckystar" 4 me 2 ticket 4 jetstar ASIa...bt still tat did not lift up the spirit...flame up 'scold' the aunty infront of us n then bye to e peeps...tot wan go home tgt...bt....so sad...

jason try lift up my spirit n we took pic...

go to tuition...met keith she tried 2 tlk bt i was angry so did not tlk 2 her..she sad i tink?sori....

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