Jul 30, 2009

the lonely world

i don noe what to do AFter np p.o.p.it seems s if i gt no more direction...only studies...300+ more question to go.

alot of interesting thing happen for the past few days...
today was special??

i said i gave up...i mis everything n everyone...but something made me think again...
b4 that i wan say thanks to Nurul nadia 4 the lovely food she specially whip up 4 me.thank damn nice.
test was omg but eng period very fun!gt fight in class n im very happy abt it!at last!
when going home my BROs tell me to visit vellan bt i gt no time...actually i nv go hm...wlk arnd?then some1 sms me n tel me abt her prob wan me 2 act s her...haix...
scared to make a decision...

while waiting 4 bus a chinese man approached me...i believe he is partially blind cos her came to me,talk to me bt wen i tlk he said he cnt c whether i boi or not he just say excuse me n something like that...he needed help to know when bus no. 7 cum...so i prayed that 7 will cum b4 my bus...i noe he needed help n i noe im responsible over him??
shortly the bus 7 came.help him gt on the bus n look at him.a lady gave up a seat 4 him:)gd thing thr is some gd soul left in the world.i realise something...im not so unfortunate after all...i actually believe in ending everything...bt tis guy changes my heart...seeing how independent he is i gt e courage to 'stand up' again.i hope the man gt to his destination safely...

i respect him:)the man hu cnt c anything bt hope in his life...

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