Jul 25, 2009

Passing out parade

Firstly i would like to say a thousand thank you to those who went for mmy Squad passing out parade.there were c**k up here and there but i believe everyone had a great time.

Before i start my granfather story i would like to thanks few group and individual people.

O.C unit n T.Os,
i would like to thanks this group of people because they were the one who have help me up wen i was down.Especially Mrs li,when i got trouble with a discipline case she was there for me.sitting beside me counselling me and talk my parents.Giving me hope and confidence.

The HO n CIs,
being an nco was not as easy as i use to see but this group of people have assisted and guided me through my Nco career.especially just now when i stumbble on something they gave me the confidence and tell me that i can do it.The H.O has help me to aim futher and CIs were guiding me through everything.
Farhan sir and Sharina ma'am are the people that help me alot too.my squad has treated farhan sir as one of us but he was the so called unsung hero as he were the one that cheers us up and when i fought with my squadmates he was the middle man.Sharina ma'am was there for me when i needed encouragement.She edited on how i shout my command and never say i fail.Always telling me"khAalid u cn do it!Come on!"

Thanks people

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