Jul 22, 2009

cb gt probw my com??cnt post pic

haix...wat a day...

was alone in the morning caught a pic of a heart shape cloud.kinda down so sit one corner.wendy n gang saw me gd ting nv c wad happen.first time sia...feel so stupid...

in class suddenli ms normala call!gt 2 use hp in class.ms normala call me 2 cum down 2 mit her.b4 i cn mit her she wlk away gvin ms noraini the e math paper...confuse over wat happen bt gt to noe ms normala c__...

physic gt highest in the 4na or is it just my class???bt i gt quite high..every1 shock...me 2 i nv study...mayb luck...mr tan congratulate...he like 2 call me sergeant khalid bt hy n rosma tel him im alr promoted...he salute me n say sorry staff:Pdamn cute..

after tat gt eng shit-no m.t mr thomas wan show the clip abt boys n gals...i wan watch...bt eng was nt boring onli tat ms chua kacau abt me reading ehem...whr gt...

wanted 2 gv syed birthday bash bt more bcuz was feelin angry...bt he is innocent
cud nt bring myself 2 hit him...wat is bcumin of me?pussy....

mayb its bcuz e f cut on my knuckle bt...

haix...after tat end sch worst ting hapen in my life...gt interrogate 2...CB...

the one hu cnt b name tel me no...wow...cud nt hold it back...wow im puss...

susanti 2day gt L.C....takecare gd luck!all the best!

haix...4 the 1 hu cnt b name sorry....
i reli wan it bt u guys....


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