Jul 20, 2009

wow wat a day

wat a day.start sch met ppl i wanna mit...luck is on my side.

then gt ss...it was hilarious..mr chua was askin sometin n i could not concentrate..mr chua kip asking "ok or not" i fed up shout yes n his reaction damn fast quickly say NO!malu sak every1 laugh...was tat suppose 2 b a joke???!!!

e math was gd...blabla...

chem class the best...some1 so semangat mrs chia ask sometin abt ph n she ans 12 wen the ans is 14 i nv study i noe!HAHA

sori ah gal malu dok!!!

then stay back do ss saw nasrah tell her sit tgt w me kumar nigel n gail bt she malu-_-

goin hm saw sec3 slack..tlk 2 them then go hm met some1 from other sch he noe me i 4gt his name...hu wud 4gt me!!haha

go 4 a jog...didnt start wel w TAT conversation bt finish perfectli...


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