Jul 5, 2009


cant tink of a title again:((((

morning:parents went to jemputan left me 2 rot at home..hehe...bt i gd boi so i study:)

then arnd 2 went 2 changi...my dad saw some1 at changi hospital so me my sis n him(my dad) go up the hill 2 check(my mum were furious telin us tat we r kepo)....
my dad was right!we check n saw a man it was a state property n i doubt the guy is from the authority...wen he saw us he quickly disapeared...mysterious...muahahahahaha

after tat wen we sitin down at the beach it started 2 rain...haix...admirin the sky tot abt her...

at 6 wen 4 a jog.it started 2 drizzle n so i went back...the faster my leg go the more water droplet fell at last i was drenched...hope n i wont gt sick...ahhhchoooo!!!


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