Jun 30, 2010

a shit day

i had to tink 4 the furure today at least 4 two person.ppl i care.
it aws nv my wish to hurt you.it was nv my intention to destroy ur life.i feel so dumb n stupid nt being able to save u.
i suck im sori.

hate it tat all tis hapen.

many tings hapen.i rmb i smile today.bt i dont rmb y.all i cud tink of is the dark tings.i cnt tink i cnt do it.

haix...y some girl suddenli sms?bt trust me im nt tat flirt.i told her no n tell her k onli.
trust me i wan the best 4 u notin bt the best.

everyting i do...i gt a reason behind it.b it bad or good.
it was 4 the future

Jun 29, 2010

wat a joke...

one ting abt a frend...u cnt...cnt b so...rude...fancy sayin the ting tat holds is w the junk?u tink...haix...it will cum arnd...

i don like it tat i being thrown here n thr...cuz nt literalli,...
bt i beginin to hate you..n i hate hatin ppl.n im feelin weird.it sucks.u make my life suck...all of you...

just nw tlk to vellan...hr told me sometin tat reli stab my heart.how cn tat happen?how cn u make tat happen?i cnt believe it tat i cant do anytin to help.it sucks!!!!!!!!

everytin suck...except wat just happen...my cuzin call us...then her daughter wan tlk to me...she was damn cute...i tink she's 3...

ms huang is funny n....cute?the way she teach...

many tings happen.i hate it.it sucks!today suck!fuck you!

Jun 28, 2010

school again yeah!!!

came sch...quite early...nid to gt the mood right...erm tlk abt world cup...LOL!!!ENGLAND LOST!YEAH!!BRAZIL WILL B CHAMPIONS!o of course thr is the likes of germany...holland...spain.....erm portugal?BOO....

sch was fun...at least i even found out how to hv 'fun' for 30 mins of p.e of takin height n weight...
eng gt a new group!yeah!with the other 3 readers!RAIHAN ATIQAH N KUMAR!!!damn happY!hope the best alr.......

arh acp,....arh kena separate....shit....

hmm...lunch play n kacau ppl....shahira tried the double kick...LOL!pendek!
hmm...basicli today is a good day:D

Jun 27, 2010

squad bdae today

happy bdae to ex nco 08/09.n atiqah:D

wanted to go 4 the outin...then realise ez link goin bye bye...
so gt to stay w family...
...erm notin much hapen...
cut hair...hmm...ya tats it...boring...
yea tmr sch:Dnice!

Jun 26, 2010

gym w bro!

its was fun time at gym...though gt alot of ppl i noe n from bowen so like hv to kip o hi o hi...bt of cuz the ex bowenian like teruna was a cool ppl to mit...

my lil bro follow so teach him one or two stuff n ice break abt the other bro(from another mother)...then did the machine on biceps n ben was damn funny!i act (as usual...sori...it was for my lil bro)so i took on 100kg for the bicep machine n ben said he cud do just the same...yeah he did lift it up n wen he wanted to lower the lever his bottom part of his body lift up n end up kickin a person bhind him!his face turn damn red in no time...

then we did little work out...n ya thx brothers!(both real n the fakes):P

shud i go...or nt...i don like it ppl nt chill then i go...reli will spoil the day...so ya...still tinkin...

Jun 25, 2010

everytin gone wrong.

im sorry to ppl i hurt n dissapoint...i suck...i hate myself too...
hy i tot u cn help sia...bt then u vnt...haix thx...ppl.....arh..............................................................................................................................................................................

Jun 24, 2010

arh stupid...

i defeated the purpose of learnin n studyin by copyin...khalid khalid....
stadium....study....then did sum stuff...

oya b4 tat...met shar...guess no nid actually....
np...np...s...haix....i view np in a different way nw....it seems...np is not how i c it is wen i first join...n grow up in...it changes...bt nt reli in a good way...arh...

Jun 23, 2010

sucky day turn...nicer

woke up...argue....
went to kfc buy breakfast...mum n sibs nt up....

erm...then clean wardrobe...
erm...then gt flu...damn gt dust...allergic to it...

watch tv...then...oya damn singapore michael jackson NOT GOOD!!!eee!damn dont!

arh...tired...bt cnt wait 4 np...i donoe y...bt quite excited....maybe bcuz sum1 1 to praise me abt sumtin?:Pjust kidin...

Jun 22, 2010


how mush more is there to kip?secret?thx man...dowan tell?good job:D

arh hmwk...

woke up n alot of ting came into mind...wasnt sure if its right or wrong...
so hmwk nid to kip my mind bz...
finish math..

help out w hse work at last sis say wan to reborn her hair...so me n bro follow her
gt to ask sumtin to my sibs...sis was v fake...
we went to library...while waitin 4 sis...
sis call..didnt want to go hm just yet so sis n bro eat at kfc...
didnt wanna eat at first...at last eat also...-.-

we then argue whether to take mrt or bus...n we chose bus since its the longer way...

go hm bathe then watch tv...noose funny...first time watch the serve thingy...was good...

ah np...friday go i tink...bloody hell 3 badge siao....thx shar!
n sorry ma'am...hehe....

Jun 21, 2010


today woke up feelin weird...the dream was...cool....

erm....then gals went out..n ya mum...
wen rot at hm...watch the game is in my head...damn cool!

dad n mum went out again to watch movie...damn....
arh....gt loads of call n messages from tis agency...LOL

Jun 20, 2010

some pic r retard...u hv been warn

ok the last pic is retard...mayb sum ppl rmb nerdy jongang...
n the small kis is the boy i tlkin abt..ya k peace...

some pic from today!

father's daY!

yeah happy father's day!

today was fun...hmm...not exactly special...bt we did hv fun...
sis gt her pay so blanja abit....
at downtown east a guy gv me the nod guys always gv if they noe each other n im still figurin out hu the hell is he...

at beach i tried hand stand(hands on the ground onli)n it was perfect!till the v last second...well i stayed tat position quite long...n wen i tell my bro take a pic n luk up...i lost balance n drop....walao...then take alot of pic w fammily...i wanted to take a pic(the one tat require the person to jump)n my dad also wanted to follow!damn cute n sportin!then a little kid v v cute(mix of singh n chinese)also wan my bro to take pic of him...damn cute wen he tried jumpin!!!

then we ate cake n ya...everytin turn out perfect!haha nice!

Jun 19, 2010

hey hey

eh hy second tot right alamak....haix....shar...step...sedih....

ah rai at last ur blog n the vid!
haha!tat dance move is michael jackson khalid's version muahahahaha...hmm i did quite gd ah...
n the last part of pullin down of pants is the nicest!funny sia...n wth how dare ros buli my sista has!

for some ppl...especially adeeq...

u saw my relationship status?

haix....i tlk to hy....mayb....i shud tlk to you...erm....

i noe i shudnt say sori...i mean 4 wat?...reli sms me k...

n adeeq pls pls pls don start smokin....pls....
i cn tell hy tlk if u wan haha right hy?....
tell he everytin*...:P...bt smile pls!

arh nice..

....k erm...whr shud i start...
erm...k gym was fun....k saw sum ncc guys....
then do sum stuff...play abit...then saw chio bu...lol vellan wanted to rmb today so he did sumtin funny...he ask me if the gal was chio n i said ok...the next ting he did...he went up n ask the gal 4 no...he came down n we ad a gd laugh!he did it so tat he rmb today...LOL!

then separate w hy n went w vellan n hariz to hg mall...wlk arnd tryin to look 4 a father's day present...vellan say we shud celeb father's day wen our father hv his first kid...4 him its his bdae...k quite logic since father's day is wen a man gt a son or daughter...

then wlk arnd again saw quite a number of band member...vellan was like"lets just wlk away n i don WANNA noe them"...w his facial expression it was funny...so ya we went arnd...at last wan go the mrt...gt alot of ppl so we chose to go toilet instead...then i realise its quite diificult to foolow the signs....4 the toilet...n i suggested we cnt follow the signs...vellan again the jokers said ok from nw on i wont follow signs...then we wanted to hv sum laugh so ya vellan volunteer to ask ppl whr is the toilet....n if the person answer left way he wud ok thx n wlk to right...k its lame bt ya 4 us it was funny...then wen its reli time to go hm i told vellan tat we cnt eat n dring in station n bus...he replied (w his indian accent...just 4 fun)"o if they...THEY...cum to me....i just smile...n say...sori sir...im from india..."lol funny sia...then after tat we ran 4 the mrt...

ah nw at hm...dad n mum again go out watch movie...boo...i wan go

Jun 18, 2010

bt on lighter side

i hope we ove on from here....of cuz if i mit u guys(rh huda n shafiq ect)i wud of cuz tlk la...
k rh pls don cry!i already tell u!u my head b4!how will the dick survive if head cryin!
c im ok la!

u c im still proud of 08/09 cadets leaders!im still jealous n tink 08/09 cadet leaders r the best bunch.K!

today after prayer went hm...buy mac n play game w bro...mum nt at hm we r the king:D
at last mum cum back...then bro n me go jog...since i nid to blow out sum steam i wan run to fort road...n bro damn cute he pancit n kip shoutin abng wait 4 me...bt all i did was shouted at him"o no!u catch up w me...we r nt far from our destination!don b a pussy n gv up on me!"at last he ran all the way w me...bt all the way we kip motivatin each other hu's the pussy n hu's the daddy!...lol proud of my bro!

to ppl i hurt.

firstly i want to say sorry to those ppl i hv been w 4 4 years.

to rouhui.im sorry i said tat.
to huda im sorry i don really believe in those.
to shafiq thank you so much u r one of the best bro i have ever had.
to the person...im sorry u tink tat way of me.

4 rh n ppl understandin.
it started out w just a question.on wat is so wrong abt me...tat person...had to say im some1 hu donoe wat i wan to do in life.nw i wud like to do tat.
since tat person say i onli noe how to mess ppl life...then i guess i shud nt mess u ppl life(though i tink i just did)....bt trust me...it wud b the last.
4tat sum1....since im nt loyal...ok n u say i mess ppl life right...then i gv u my word...u n me we notin.n if we ever hv to b in same boat.i gv u my word i show u the side u tink is my worst.i wont swear bt trust me it wud b best we don b tgt alone.

4 hy im so sori....love you man....
my sis huda rh ect n bro like shafiq...i love you guys

Jun 17, 2010


o man...sharina is away...i feel bad feelin how i felt...sori..gd ting at last we msg at nite...though its more of whether i shud slp or nt..haha...

woke up wanted to buy newpaper again bt then dont hv...weird...then at 2 go shop again then read tat spain lost 1-o?!sial la...
bt gd ting brazil is doin well...though tis defensive brazil look shaky...

ah wat else...hmm....
o hy thx 4 askin abt wat i prefer hehe....
adeeq gt well soon....
ah....ya Ds tell me ur name man....

Jun 16, 2010

some pic from our outin


yeah mum food the besT!

hehe the pic at our outin nice...hey gt c wat i shoW!??nice right?HEHE;P
right hy?!!!

today rest a lot alot!
nv sms tat much too...
n hy NV REPLY!alamak....

erm...ya miss yesterday..

Jun 15, 2010

woohooo outin!

yeah cnt slp whole day was excited to mit raihan,shahira,rosma,hyriah,haslina,benjamin,hariz n VELLAN!

reach amk hub at 1115...mit vellan n hy first so we wlk2...
then join rai n hariz...
the others soon came...the gals went to buy the tix n we boys playplay...k i noe we shld hv bought the tix...bt since nw tis is n equal world y nt the gals do tis?haha

go marina barrage...cb was freakin hot!bt abit muddy(cuz it was rainin b4 we came)
N BLOODY FUN THR!!!k mayb our cord n vice we fun...rai n shar....

though it was hot...we did hv fun!
then we go down n play water!VERY VERY FUN!!!!!!!
play w ball n then play murderer....

change...went back to amk,....
love it!nice!jaden smith is reli good at actin!

at last said gdbyes to the gal..(of cuz i dread it)...
n at mrt w vellan n ben i make fun of them n make a fool...of myself...dancin n stuf...(k leg onli...rai!wink wink...)

love you!!!!!

oya...n 4 the guy....wen i read ur msg...its funny u wan me do tat man...do u reli?hy tell me nt to...
i guess i shld listen...of course till thr is a perfect reason...haix....


Jun 13, 2010

tired sia

wake up a little late....

then do hsework...mum nt at hm...


k....erm then at nite play w family...lol...
dad damn cute...

then oya...sori shar don tink go...tired sia...

cb u wont tired 1 ah?

hu cn still b hyper wen 1 cnt gt slp 4 3 days!carzy!

Jun 12, 2010


wake up...
tell dad im off to study n go gym...
onli hy n vellan will cum...bt then late...so i watch sengkang punggol fc train...cb damn slack...

vellan came...hy...

then off to gym...did sum workout...hy n vellan go do leg so i went off to do hands...

then want go hm...follow vellan n hy buy bbt...they guy so i stand at the side readin newpaper abt WORLD CUP!...THEN GO HM...

shar at ubin..wow gt signal!she smsin her whrabout...n im feelin lucky i gt tv infront of me

Jun 11, 2010

cnt wait 4 tmr

yea wake up early...
went 4 a jog...nobody at fitness corner so fun...


slp...wake up....

ah....shar gt so many item in schedule...
me?go gym...study...slack at hm....

Jun 10, 2010

...im survivin...

yeah i woke up late damn...bye the two gals...

arh...do tings...help mum...

study abit.....then...jog...try to c J...then nv...lax...just wan jog..

at last at fitness corner then the two f come...cb...

at last dad wan go hm...mum luk stress drivin..pick my dad n joke...

k basicli holiday is borin...n cnt mit lejla on on9..alamak....
hy go study later i try make it simple...:Pso nice the feelin of u being smart to those hu study alot...HAHA

Jun 9, 2010

last day of sch...or isit?

came sch...vellan was infront...lazy riun to him so i shouted...

rox!y so sad?or my eyes playin tricks?haha smile gal!

math was...nice....was lucky...

other subject was soso...n i wan say THANK YOU TO V DEAR CADETS!greetin may nt b so...impt bt it lift up my day!

J...erm...sori haha!

hy!13 times?crazy!

shar thx 4 askin abt me:Dim ok nw!

LEJLA!at last we gt to "mit" though we live v v v far apart we gt loads of history n its nice knowin u rmb me muahahaha...wow goin high sch?!nice!don b sad ur frends will still b thr!like us c?we so far bt we r tgt!ah tats the power of frendship...u nv 4gt n he or she is dear to ur heart!
i wish u the best 4 ur new high sch n hope u b happy always!n yes im workin on my aim!


Jun 8, 2010

came late to sch

haix..today seems.....weird...i gt angry the moment i wake up...maybe bcuz..haix...
n then came late...actualli wanted to b even more late n tried reli HARD to drag my feet..i even tell ms normala i will b late n mayb even skip her clas..bt then still i came n nt tat late...gt tings to settle w her(teacher) then ya...

wah y nowadays i v...distant to gals?rai after the fight nt close...J i don feel like sms...others dissapear(though rox u must stay happY)...adeeq after tellin me tat she stop smokn cuz i tell her n i reply u nt helppin me bt urself suddenli nv sms...bt then did n say thx alot...
then one go overc...haix...im nt tryin say anytin nt then is everytin goin end alr...i hv both pass n fail sum of my goals?hmm...bt then if i suddenli go low...like last time(i tried)i hv to help again...n im happy abt it...haix....
ah shar also nw nv sms....

ok maybe hy still thr..bt she doesnt reli nd my help...haha

lol...n then ben n me..haix....
onli vellan nw...how long more till he is the next?

y does they(some ppl im referin to)seems so....kind n stuff..nice...frendli...bt then again is "holdin" a "knife" at the back....ya i play along...bt then...
thr is two way...i b stupid...or make you stupid,...
haix........lets hope tings go smoothli

Jun 6, 2010

fun fun fun day

woke up at 930...eat med...feel weak

do sum hsework...
watch tv...

at last at 5 wen swimmin!
n tats wen sumtin amazin hapen!sumtin ppl wont believe...bt cnt write it don...haiya..sad...
bt still it was most fortunate

thnk you

Jun 5, 2010

gym...arh flu

woke up at 8.!was late wanted mit at 9!gd ting dad sent all the way to hg gym...bt then hy n vellan nt thr...so i told hy i mit her at overheadbridge...call some ppl bt they cnt go sad..haix...especially wen ros has cnt go...n rai nt gym person...call wendy too bt she also cnt...sad...

vellan was damn late bt then wen wan go buy gym the ticket he came...so paid 4 him too...
gym was pack...gt rafi also...so then we stared to work out...bloody hell gt damn 1 hot gal...haha...n hy luk at guys...LOL!

at last after two hours wanted to go hm...we discus whether to go the bbq or nt...vellan cnt n i malas...n gt a little runny nose..so ya left ppl dissapointed again...bt should hv wenT!gt huda also...alamak...

so wen gt back hm...read abit..slp...haix..erm wat is sharina doin?....
anw then woke up n sms....hy thr tryin make me regret....bt no im not goin to...
o n gt to noe some1 like to bake...haha ur future partner lucky...

k la..bb...

Jun 4, 2010

good bye

good bye to sharina...n the np ppl...

take care hv fun!yup tis three days will b long man...
sori call bt then ckp abit onli

ben bdae!

today is ben day...hapi bdae!

bt then was shadowed bt sumtin fuck up n stupid...
though had fun kacau ben...still felt shitty the whole day...

haix...n then i cundnt go ben house...i gt my reason...n nt bcuz of gal or wat shit...
just tat...haix..hy noe...anw

to raihan,

im so so so so so so so soooo sorry i gt angry n raise my voice.i noe u felt shitty tat i dowan go ben hse....n maybe i was irritated abit...after i just left u like tat i feel damn damn damn bad...damn i love you man couple...im so so sori

n hey ppl we frend

Jun 3, 2010

to wariah

you wrote on hy blog?u r?sori kpo....

oh yeah

k today came sch...
on time...then wait 4 raihan...late alamak...tsk tsk tsk

chem fun...amth bought food 4 my table...bt then at last share w ppl in a math class...
then still gt an xtra food...gv mr yeo...i donoe y...wen i look at him how hungry he was i was like k i pity..wtf....

after sch...play abit...then w vellan cb joker...laugh non stop..at busstop c atiq n nadu...cute sia...

arh...atc stc tmr ah...good bye sec2 n 3...N SHARINA...tmr wan slap me ah?cnt la...hug cn haha...;P

ben sori i wont go...after the case i wont b invitin more trouble 4 myself...hy sori also...
ermm.....ok....wat else...ah rai thx 4 sum of the tip...

Jun 2, 2010

weird day

went to sch take 43...was weird....

in class...ms normala sms...she didnt noe class start at 8...so i "took" the class....
they wanted me to draw another winnie the pooh...i chanhe it to elvis(mouse version)...
was fun in math...very...

geog was cool...s.s too...bt then gt bad comment abt me n the other 4 bro..

phy was nice n fun!
after tat went to mac ite...

woah i love tis part...one sec 4 showed ben middle finger n jon wsa like eh tat guy want fight ah...
then collin interupted tat oh its ben cn go fuck...bt jon said the best line i wanna hear..."outside the class n sch we r suppose to protect each other no matter how much we hate..if one guy fuck one of 5a1 we fuck them"...nice...

bt then collin kacau ma sista...n then i went to jon he said sori...gd ting we gt clique...i cn just go tio jon n tell him jaga ur boys...n he said ok so the class easier to cooperate...

the lady teacher thr was so nice!hehe sum ppl will understand...
the tour was fun..make joke tat surprisinli the majoriti of the class laugh...hehe ...(dirty joke fun)

collin Q.N.A was funny...haha...

oya np...haix...wth one moment so gd n nice the next was BOOM!wat hapen?
n ya....gal cadet...make 1 problem......
heres to you...
though ur sir may b very very very nice...it does nt mean he love you...
n doesnt mean tat u two cn b tgt if u guys r always jokin tgt...
ya u say HE is the guy i love the most...i love him 4ever...blabla...bt isnt tat wat u told me b4?n i tol u to promise sumtin n u broke it...its nt ur time yet my dear gal...
im nt jealous i gt HY!haha...ya reli don im nt jealous...i dowan b ur second.i want u to wait.wait 4 the right moment.you dont love him.i bet with my balls

Jun 1, 2010

a real victory?

fallin in love is crazy?
one moment you say i love you n next you say lets break....

i flirt..n then broke sum heart...n mine...bt then im tryin to learnt...
onli wen u lost sometin u realise how much they meant to you n how close they were to bt yet nw so far....

it takes just the first look to fall in love(first love?)
bt then again it will takes years to noe wat love is...right?

i was always scared of losin my gf tat i flirt so they will b closer to me..i realise it was wrong..(is it too late?)
n nw those fears have gt to turn to trust...

those tears tat fall...(was is for reals?)
bt then thr was all smiles wen u turn...

love...nice abstract...sometin tat cnt b seen yet so powerful...sometin tat changes every1...
sometin tat by the end of ur lifetime you understand wat life is so much in common w love...
a victory of the last knowledge tat we will understand by the end..the ups n down...

gt to stop?

well i had wat was cumin...a dreaded truth...

well i don care...do i?
anw a maths was fun...s.s too...was hyper so wen mr chua scold i was like happy!?

then gt 4 hrs of free period...hv sum "brotherli" time tgt....nearly end up fightin w kumar...
bt ya gd tin we gt to cool...

oral was a little...fun?
tlk abt how guys r suppose to b cookin or nt...ms james say i gv a different view from other ppl n she expect kumar will b next...she say we two also the...one tat c tings in different view...

ok n then went hm..........

ok...nw...you you....you noe i care...in fact i care for every1 arnd me...
i noe it is unfair...i should change n nt tink tat i nid to help ppl..

bt hey ADEEQ say she will stop it by 6 june!n tats my target right?
c i took many ppl prob n try to solve...help them...
some bcum worst(abit) n sum was left like tat(cuz i gt to listen onli) n sum was a success(like adeeq)...c different ppl love diferent ting..i love doin tis.especially wen at last the person say thanks or hey u were right...