Jun 1, 2010

a real victory?

fallin in love is crazy?
one moment you say i love you n next you say lets break....

i flirt..n then broke sum heart...n mine...bt then im tryin to learnt...
onli wen u lost sometin u realise how much they meant to you n how close they were to bt yet nw so far....

it takes just the first look to fall in love(first love?)
bt then again it will takes years to noe wat love is...right?

i was always scared of losin my gf tat i flirt so they will b closer to me..i realise it was wrong..(is it too late?)
n nw those fears have gt to turn to trust...

those tears tat fall...(was is for reals?)
bt then thr was all smiles wen u turn...

love...nice abstract...sometin tat cnt b seen yet so powerful...sometin tat changes every1...
sometin tat by the end of ur lifetime you understand wat life is so much in common w love...
a victory of the last knowledge tat we will understand by the end..the ups n down...

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