Jun 5, 2010

gym...arh flu

woke up at 8.!was late wanted mit at 9!gd ting dad sent all the way to hg gym...bt then hy n vellan nt thr...so i told hy i mit her at overheadbridge...call some ppl bt they cnt go sad..haix...especially wen ros has cnt go...n rai nt gym person...call wendy too bt she also cnt...sad...

vellan was damn late bt then wen wan go buy gym the ticket he came...so paid 4 him too...
gym was pack...gt rafi also...so then we stared to work out...bloody hell gt damn 1 hot gal...haha...n hy luk at guys...LOL!

at last after two hours wanted to go hm...we discus whether to go the bbq or nt...vellan cnt n i malas...n gt a little runny nose..so ya left ppl dissapointed again...bt should hv wenT!gt huda also...alamak...

so wen gt back hm...read abit..slp...haix..erm wat is sharina doin?....
anw then woke up n sms....hy thr tryin make me regret....bt no im not goin to...
o n gt to noe some1 like to bake...haha ur future partner lucky...

k la..bb...

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