Jun 22, 2010

arh hmwk...

woke up n alot of ting came into mind...wasnt sure if its right or wrong...
so hmwk nid to kip my mind bz...
finish math..

help out w hse work at last sis say wan to reborn her hair...so me n bro follow her
gt to ask sumtin to my sibs...sis was v fake...
we went to library...while waitin 4 sis...
sis call..didnt want to go hm just yet so sis n bro eat at kfc...
didnt wanna eat at first...at last eat also...-.-

we then argue whether to take mrt or bus...n we chose bus since its the longer way...

go hm bathe then watch tv...noose funny...first time watch the serve thingy...was good...

ah np...friday go i tink...bloody hell 3 badge siao....thx shar!
n sorry ma'am...hehe....

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