Jun 20, 2010

father's daY!

yeah happy father's day!

today was fun...hmm...not exactly special...bt we did hv fun...
sis gt her pay so blanja abit....
at downtown east a guy gv me the nod guys always gv if they noe each other n im still figurin out hu the hell is he...

at beach i tried hand stand(hands on the ground onli)n it was perfect!till the v last second...well i stayed tat position quite long...n wen i tell my bro take a pic n luk up...i lost balance n drop....walao...then take alot of pic w fammily...i wanted to take a pic(the one tat require the person to jump)n my dad also wanted to follow!damn cute n sportin!then a little kid v v cute(mix of singh n chinese)also wan my bro to take pic of him...damn cute wen he tried jumpin!!!

then we ate cake n ya...everytin turn out perfect!haha nice!

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