Jun 19, 2010

arh nice..

....k erm...whr shud i start...
erm...k gym was fun....k saw sum ncc guys....
then do sum stuff...play abit...then saw chio bu...lol vellan wanted to rmb today so he did sumtin funny...he ask me if the gal was chio n i said ok...the next ting he did...he went up n ask the gal 4 no...he came down n we ad a gd laugh!he did it so tat he rmb today...LOL!

then separate w hy n went w vellan n hariz to hg mall...wlk arnd tryin to look 4 a father's day present...vellan say we shud celeb father's day wen our father hv his first kid...4 him its his bdae...k quite logic since father's day is wen a man gt a son or daughter...

then wlk arnd again saw quite a number of band member...vellan was like"lets just wlk away n i don WANNA noe them"...w his facial expression it was funny...so ya we went arnd...at last wan go the mrt...gt alot of ppl so we chose to go toilet instead...then i realise its quite diificult to foolow the signs....4 the toilet...n i suggested we cnt follow the signs...vellan again the jokers said ok from nw on i wont follow signs...then we wanted to hv sum laugh so ya vellan volunteer to ask ppl whr is the toilet....n if the person answer left way he wud ok thx n wlk to right...k its lame bt ya 4 us it was funny...then wen its reli time to go hm i told vellan tat we cnt eat n dring in station n bus...he replied (w his indian accent...just 4 fun)"o if they...THEY...cum to me....i just smile...n say...sori sir...im from india..."lol funny sia...then after tat we ran 4 the mrt...

ah nw at hm...dad n mum again go out watch movie...boo...i wan go

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