Jun 8, 2010

came late to sch

haix..today seems.....weird...i gt angry the moment i wake up...maybe bcuz..haix...
n then came late...actualli wanted to b even more late n tried reli HARD to drag my feet..i even tell ms normala i will b late n mayb even skip her clas..bt then still i came n nt tat late...gt tings to settle w her(teacher) then ya...

wah y nowadays i v...distant to gals?rai after the fight nt close...J i don feel like sms...others dissapear(though rox u must stay happY)...adeeq after tellin me tat she stop smokn cuz i tell her n i reply u nt helppin me bt urself suddenli nv sms...bt then did n say thx alot...
then one go overc...haix...im nt tryin say anytin nt then is everytin goin end alr...i hv both pass n fail sum of my goals?hmm...bt then if i suddenli go low...like last time(i tried)i hv to help again...n im happy abt it...haix....
ah shar also nw nv sms....

ok maybe hy still thr..bt she doesnt reli nd my help...haha

lol...n then ben n me..haix....
onli vellan nw...how long more till he is the next?

y does they(some ppl im referin to)seems so....kind n stuff..nice...frendli...bt then again is "holdin" a "knife" at the back....ya i play along...bt then...
thr is two way...i b stupid...or make you stupid,...
haix........lets hope tings go smoothli

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