Oct 30, 2009

gonna do tis fast

cutin hair is cool...
met my gf after assembly...damn cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
did three hair style...
cn take over the bowen barber...

gy fun veri fun....haha

then tlk to rosma...thx 4 accompanyin me!!!!!!

ok chiAo

Oct 28, 2009

ok welcome ms normala...4 the thing...

n ya math was cool...

ok i tired...
so ya mis me ppl

n 4 the girl hu move me...
rmb blood is thicker than water...love them more...
listen to them...sum times if u follow ur heart...it destroy...im always here though...
bt u must listen...no luv luv first eh

Oct 27, 2009

o level math 1st paper...

came to sch early...alone at hm donoe wat to do...
mum said better bring umbrella...i 4gt:P
rai sms...touch...he he...

came to sch ms normala was stole from us by nigel group...
at 12 15+ ms normala came back to us...tlk n tlk...
at last at 1230 ms normala jump up n say she 4gt she gt class...told me to ran to her class of course no nid say twice i ran...half way i ran back ask her tell 3e3 wat...walao feel so dumb...
she laugh n say just tell the class don go out n i cont run...
tlk to a girl from the class n "observe" the clas..many of them tlkin so i sabo say they were enjoyin themself...
ms normala shock face damn cute...
followed her to the class again every1 bcame so kwai...at last ms normala said my boy say u enjoyin urself eh...LOL
all shout sabo sia...
n opps haha...sum came out n shout walao sabo i just laugh...

mit rai at foyer n wlk tgt to cbd l...
play n play...
eat abit...
n then tell the ppl at cbd l to go class...thr saw sum chio gals!fiiiiwittt
n thr was even an indian man 40+ takin O...Respect u lah bro!

paper was ok...play moh..n take a look at band..lol pity sum of them...haha

Oct 26, 2009

math consultation...

sms every1 early mornin to not b late...at last i was late...
kacau ms normala...hehe...
b4 goin to ms normala n others wlk pass rebecca...eh y so sad again...

study study...after tat joke arnd n stuff...
ms normala 'scold' hehe funny sia...

wat hapen after that...i 4gt...:P

after tat 'argue' w ms normala cuz i wan go hm...
ok mit sum1...two actuali...
too late wen i gt release.....
wlk raihan back hm...tlk abt partnership w her n stuff...i tink she is my ideal one...
tlk to her on sum personel stuff...lol very cute...

after that sms sum1...wan mit...bt nv reply...gt a little fed up...bt well we just cnt fight 4 veri long cant we???haha so nice...

n then sms jes...
well sad u cnt win...hu tell u nv learnt anytin from np...c cnt win...

tmr e math....o....im dead

Oct 25, 2009


today...nv go 4 the run...
cancelled it...
ben told me he will still go...w hariz...bt atlast...
they too nv go...

so today did notin except read sum book n waitin 4 sum1 reply...
thx though 4 replyin abit...
hope tings gt ok...

rosma:thx 4 tryin hard to listen to me n make me tlk bt...ya just sori n thx...

ms normala sms abt tmr n tell rosma sori..so cute:)

i misin u...

eh rox all back home??i don noe le...

haix...tlkin to myself again...

Oct 24, 2009

to RAz

im so so so sorry

i donoe wat just hapen

i just wanna shout so many tings

bt i doubt i will do it

so sori i force

wat had hapen

woke up feelin alright alr...quite...

do notin incredible...
sum1 wanna mit...bt i nt planin to gt out of hse...
tmr also don noe whether i wan go or not

now like no mood cos sum1 like not hapi...
n nw i mis U lah!

no mood so watch ris low clip again...
cnt laugh...haix...c asian me

if tmr u wan go the 'ting' w me sms me k ppl

Oct 23, 2009

no nid explain...i believe


came to sch w ben...went up to the 4th level took some ppl pic...wtf...damn like pervert...;/

study was like 20% play 80....

everytin else cnt b said....

at arnd 11215 separated w ben,rosma n hy....rosma...reli veri cute...thx.

saw the sec 2...wanted to tlk to them bt they like don noe me...hate tat..reli...bt c tats y im always true..tis sec2 guy my ex partner say was cmi...bt i convince her i believe he ce do it.he cn bcum one of the best n his atti is actually good.i was right c tat guy rmb me n always gv me the luvly n kind wave plus a smile:)thx.i don noe his spelin..bt he is sumtin like suresh?

went to sembayang late...wlk back to sch to look at the banner n gosh my face sux...
ben n rosma went to eat n i kena alone...
farhan was nice to b veri friendly...tlk abt my s.i n stuff...haha...sharina asked me y i nv tlk to my sec two...bt wud they tlk???i feel like i was nv their squad sir...thats life...some ppl will just 4gt u.

went to gym w ben n rosma...at the trackwheel...thr was three n rosma ran in the middle,...raz sad ah cnt go...rox also...
at gym mit (i donoe spell his name)he went 4 commando....
he punch me on the back i nearly retaliate...bt he said eh hi...

after gym i wlk first leavin ben n rosma to buy sometin...aide iskandar smiled...tis time is the first if nt he confirm stonin...sms ben to say thx to rosma....n now im home...i feel veri diff...veri veri different...maybe bcuz now im tinkin of U

Oct 22, 2009

haix...stupid pain

came to sch quite early...
went ur the overhead bridge cacat...my waist hurt cos of ytd...

sch start...erm wat hapen???notin significant i tink....

recess tlk w r_...sad lah squadmates cnt help....

after tat was eng...hy nearly fight again..tis time i kept cool...

after sch wanted mit some1 nid tlk...so b4 that tot of mitin ms normala...she nowhr to found n another teacher nid to find me found me..:Pnid some sign...n ya tmr wud b fun if sch still open...(psst...check out the banner!!!)

sit at canteen...bt went to buy bbt...rosma very cute followed me...im touch!!!haha...
sis rh tlk w us...gossip...n yup miss my sis from other mum!

ms normala came reli late...action angry n she very cute say sori lah...

tlk w raz...abt ben too...n ya...wow...thx...
haix....anytin lah...

hey u call dumbdumb!i rmbered sum1 told me that...nw not in contact...

to rox...gd bye~
to afiqah>gd bye

to raz>...nw u eatin while chattin i doin tis blog,callin ppl...watch tv(soccer),updatin fb,taggin fb n doin n online survey!haha i win

Oct 21, 2009

to the ppl hu hv said luv....

i still rmb....tis gal...i wlk w her arnd sch...n she ask me at the second floor corridor...
she asked"khalid do u syg,cinta or suke me.b4 u ans tink carefully cos tis question will determine the future.".....
then i answered sayang...i was right...

now this second gal...i sat w her at the void deck near the basketball court opp the busstop whr alot of ppl take 74 n no 55 or 25 go thr....
this gal tell me..."i want to feel love,receive love,give love...n khalid cn u do that? cos im scared"

tis two gals sentence....will always b in my mind...i want to thx them.they r the A n R gal...:)u noe hu u r:)thx eh

haix...totally spoil my image...

came early mornin tot was miy sum1 to tlk...bt haix...
saw afiqah on the way up..hi...

while standin outside class w raihan n kumar b4 sch start raihan veri cute.
she wan to teach julia how to whistle bt malu she also cnt...

p.e was fun hy ran arnd sch i show off...bt cb hurt my waist...damn...
play goalkeeper n save some nice shots from every1 bt my proudest was mr see shot...save it man yes!

math help ms normala(of course):)

eng gt a little prob...i fought w hy tis time it was over cos she throw her book n i cud nt take it...
teacher hu actuali like me tried coolin me down n i gt rude...haix...hy said sori bt i hv nt say sori to the teacher...tmr i will!

s.s...erm ok...

after sch gt a dilemma abt goin hm or not..........

Oct 20, 2009

b4 n the after...haix...

first day of breachin....

wen alighttin the bus gt alot of stupid looks from few lower sec....s if i don belong thr...haix...paiseh...so sms ppl...

at parade sq vellan was thr n then the rest of the group joined...nice so long nv sit like tis tgt.
the first period was suppose to b geog...bt went to hall watch sum funny ting on stage...after that go through the n geog paper...ok im dead...sori to the ppl i had promise...u noe wat i mean.
eng was fun...the teacher basicly favor us(my group)...n thx jon 4 'whackin' collin cos he push me to the white board...i of course hyper n wasnt tinkin of fightin...

emath veri nice cos i 'prove' to every1 that i ''telepathy" w ms normala...
julia nv believe n she start countin s i say i cn "connect" w miss normala in 1 min...n i was lucky in just 30sec ms normala call to tell me to go to general office.thr i kacau ms normala that i cnt make her angry n must c her smiled that made the ppl thr laugh...cum on thats not flirt.
skali at class after gvin out paper fought w hyriah n shahira...
i sincerely apologise to julia cos i scolded her too...haix to f up w the two then she go interupt.
haix..khalid just gt limits....

mt cikgu very nice...played game(usual)play one zombie game n i shouted lots of time....cum on the ghost cum out on the screen just like tat...scary....

chem very very fun!play a guesin game n i becum the first participant 4 boys(its gals vs bois)
one word the boy gt to guess was heaven n best part was when i tried decribin it i said "i die i go...?" instead of shoutin heaven they said hell...cb...cos i watch ehem...whr gt....

so of cos it was fun especially wen we lose to 3 guess s the last participant 4 guys were prabhu n he gt difficulty...pity him..bois were cursin him...n wen the time was up he look very paiseh so i stand up n shook his hand(nt cos i hate him cos i respect him):)))))))))

my dear couple raihan nv cum sad lah...:(i at 7 will sms k???haha...tunggu je...n ms normala sorry i late reply...sumtimes s we(class) were playin n we(both) were smsin

Oct 19, 2009

shout out to everyone!

to everyone out thr!

R u free on sunday???
u hv my no.???
wan spent time....w me???haha
pls contact me k???

it just pop up

checkin my phone...
ur name pop up...
shock...excited....mixed up...
anger join...

then i read...
u nid sum1 to tlk to right...
i noe...
alot of gals use me 4 tat...
i just help...
bt u....
we gt history...
y did i care?
y did i not say f off go to ur frends...
y go to me...
u tink i care???

i don tink i wud say tat...cos i care...i hv to b4...haix...

cool day...

today quite a cool day...
woke up early morning do some hsework...after that me n my sis went to j8 collect hp...
then go sumwhr...joanne u the nicest man...will remember her...

after that while goin hm gt angry...cuz two ex cadets look at me s if they don noe me cb...f up sia...i smiled bt they gv me the look as if they don noe me...
just hate it!

at home played game...create the ppl s some of the special ppl in my life...
dad came home n tlk to us...
then we watch "the game is in my head" a reality show that dare ppl to do tings...the participant hv to wear sometin on their ear that will transmit the info of wat they hv to do n tis one guy impress the crowd n my whole family...come on he sold rose stem for 2 bucks n the petal 4 4bucks,he made ppl strip to gv him their shirt n he also fined ppl bcuz they bring big hand-bag n 4 wearin sunglasses...we wowed us all!he is the man!the convincer!the charmer!power!!!!!

Oct 18, 2009

tyrin day...

woke up at 615...
tot wud reach the destination late...bt reach thr earlier then the rest...better must wait 4 them(gt to cuz gt little fight w raz)
ben woke up late...bt arrivew earlier than me n the 2 runners...(o nv shower eh)...
reach thr dan intro himself to raz n was shock say i brought sch team...hehe cn b more...

put our stuff into Mr young's car n we start our run...veri nice 5 real runner imfront(plus dan) n bhind was 4 odf us...the others wlk...ran arnd 5 km then ben n hariz pancit...(malu raz sick cn still run)...so ran bside her scared anytin hapen...n then she cnt take it she wlk...i slow jog bside her...ben n hariz still bhind takin short cut...at last the real runners was nt insight n ben go tgt w raz...haix...so i wlk infront w hariz...look bhind n saw ben n raz ok tlkin n laughin tgt so told hariz take care of them cuz i gt to run....n so i chiong...finish 10k n went back to the gatherin place...c the 3 ppl thr...nv join bt did wlk to them...

mr young gt around of applause cuz he is hurt his ankle bt still ran(desiree nt thr:( )
prize time n lucky girl win..(raz)she won a nike pouch,....power...nv go hm straight n tlk w farah...she veri nice...

wlk all the way to amk...at mc wlk to test...n thr ben flirt...haha...so i went back n ya just mind my own business...they ate bt i did not...no mood....
after that...went to amk library gv book...thx raz uz u accompany...actuali told her she cn stay w ben bt she said she dowan...

after tat go hm...haix...waitin 4 sms n nw at night feel mabuk...haix...dah dtng balik ah ni...head feelin heavy 4 notin agian...feel like swayin n stuff...no appetite...
do u care???o u don i 4gt....haix...bye....

Oct 16, 2009

math class

i reach sch at 7...or 715...
i sms hy cuz she nid my help...i don noe y i cnt say yes...
sat w mr yeo tlk abt amath...suddenli saw my HUT!OUR HUT!the feelin of hurt n sadness came...the hut which is our heart of friendship was build thr n its destroy after we Pass oUT!!!
many teachers came down to eat...majority hu noe me tlk to me abt my hut....the nicest is ms james...her mouth open so big n she said she was sori 4 me...she told me the sch shouldnt have done tat...well its "our" hut k every teacher noe.its our hq.my hq.
,mr chua tell me to imagine thr is the hut n go sit...some other teacher told me i cn do "petition" to hv back my hut...lol...

my bag was left w a group of teacher namely ms goh n mr yeo...i told kun lianf take 4 me.at last kene "interogate" cuz they say i whr gt shy n shuld hv just ask 4 my bag haha...

go student hub n play game...gt hyper thr...then saw hy cryin...y???y did i care n run after her...at last kena scold...:(
bt still i was hyper...wen to canteen n ask every1 if they miss me...
ms normala call at 9 n tell me to tell the class to go up n of cos i shout...then she laugh...hyper mah...

b4 goin prayer play m.o.h w bros....
after...go j8...gt angry at some ppl n also the ppl at the sony eriksson ting...

gym some guys thr flirt seh w gals thr...eheh...
i nearly lost my cool at 1 guy...gd ting vellan thr...haix...
some ppl thx eh i waitin 4 a favourable reply!!!!!!!!>;(

Oct 15, 2009


wat a borin day...mr joe nv call...haix...

sent sis to sch...n started to sms ppl to go out....wow now a days i like goin out w frends y???haix...god nows...i think should start spendin time w my family man....

well some ppl end sch today...congrats...
bea thx 4 checkin out for me the organisation!thx really i appreciate it.

sms my bro naz...well cool...
gt fed up w some ppl...kip changin mind...n ya gd tink gt naz...eleh action...at last luk at gals...haix...

don reli hv much to do....bt ya thx to those hu is helpin me find the orga. namely ms normala n bea...thx rox 4 tellin me i should find work...haha

khalid lazy pig

Oct 14, 2009

im beat

since morning i have been going through many website(good one)

n ya stupid of me nv go to the website where teachers go to...so ya my journey start...
called several organisation...some gt enough volunteer some nv pick up...bt one said ok to me!YEHAH!!!!i will b waitin 4 his call(he sick so his friend at work took my particulars)...

ms normala still cnt help yet...so i gt to do tings my way right???
haix...feel so matured...:P
i hope i cn help s many s i cn...

to raz...
sori i passed u my flu...hehe...how i noe u kena...

to rox...afiqah...bea...raz...n others...

Oct 13, 2009

wat a day

wel woke up in the mornin feelin quite better...bt i noe sumtin is gonna hapen today...(i get angry n irritated fast wen im sick)...
reach bowen at 12...went to the usual place w ben n sms sum ppl to join us...go sumwhr...
alot of ppl cnt gd ting raz cn...so i wont luk gay...

waited at the void deck 4 shahira...she last min wan follow cos irritated by sum1 cuz tat sum1 wan b w bf...
well after waitin she said she dowan...thx 4 wastin time...
we don noe whr to go so wen hg mall..met alot of ppl thr...shit...
went to library n read comic...pity raz she followed us 4 notin..
at last she n ben gt hungry n so we head 4 pizza hut...
woah...saw bea:)
eat like alot to me bt ben n raz wasnt full yet so they bought desert...cute couple...

at last wlk arnd....then sumtin hapen...i wanted to tlk to ben privately n tolld raz to lead the way..
did not noe she wud gt irritated...wen she told me she gt fed up...my mood also change...fed up too...
bt we was ok like nt even 30mins???or 5??at least she don make tings worst...
we reach amk n gt to go hm...wow wasted raz ez-link money....sori...

wen waitin 4 bus at bowen...i suddenli feel the urge to make ting worst...or better i cn say...
so i sms all the gals i "flirt"

gal1:u nt some1 i flirt bt u r like my history....s u noe wat i hv sms u..i don reli care wat hapen in the past bt 4 the future...don act s***t that u don understand cos u fully do.im a guy n i don lose anytin...so just 4 u to noe...its either peace...or don tell me bullshit stuff....

gal2:just gt to noe u n u cum to me 4 help...today u made a mistake...u said the wrong ting n i "whack" u...well u shld noe...i hv gone through worst...k??u now callin me awesome...well im not...seriousli im nt the guy hu reli care...

gal3:by now u shoul noe i reli don luv u...u keep sayin u luv me bt deep inside u don.k???i hv told u y i say tis so im sori...lets just b frends....

gal4:u said i rock...i don take tat s a compliment...at all...

gal4:i noe u from sumwhr...u said u luv me...no u don...u noe wat i mean...u just wan...;(

gal5:i noe i nv flirt u bt since ytd i hv been tryin to convince u to study...i sms ms normala on how i cn help u n stuff...bt today i noe i hv been wastin my time..u hv given up...n u onli wan me to accompany u...well tats wrong babe....mayb im doin all tis cuz of u...U gv up n i hate it...especially studies...

4 all the gals i donnoe wats wrong w me...y m i doin tis ting to u bt at least i gt my anger out.i want to stop tis once n 4 all.im sorry n thx 4 the company...i hope i make u guys happy...
i just wanted to help b4 my 4 mths finish,..bt i tink i did it wrongly...shoul carry on w my charity work instead of tryin to make gals hapi

Oct 12, 2009

hate tis cold weather

woke up early to sent my lil sis....

n damn kept on sneezin...cud hv gt the flu from dear ben...>:(

so today quite borin...went to pingyi to do sumtin w ma big sis too...
wen we goin hm thr was 1 prefect...
of cuz being friendly i smiled...wen she said hi my sis did the best ting ever...approach her n tell her don flirt..wt!?

went home n play game...sms some ppl...n ms normala...
of cuz waited quite a long time...nv reply...gt angry...play game again...
haix...tmr goin out...bt donnoe whr to go...go beach???mayb...no girl not fun...no gf worst

Oct 11, 2009

at last!!!luv 987!!!desiree nice right?haha
wel lets make it fast...
thx jason 4 teachin me how to gt thr...

ok dan veri nice n funny...luv his batmobile....:)
desiree cute...hehe

two runners hate them...wanted to own them bt ben pancit...:(

after that took pic...sad nv win anytin...

went to amk hub w ben...watch surrogates...nice...
i made noise at first bt wen the show start i was into it n i was interupted by stupid noise....ben was doin it..-_-??

wen to amk library...n i...regret goin...we wasted time thr....:'(
oya met hariz n gang....

ben thx!
desiree stay cute!
Ros buy a watch!!(kidddin)

Oct 10, 2009

the start of new day....

i reli hv no idea what i should do now...nk jln raye malas...wow tis year onli go hari raya for two days onli seh...:'(

woke up late cos ytd cnt slp...once i close my eyes every1 came to me n tell me i cn do it...damn i m scared....
tis 'holiday' seems dull...tryin to make the best out of it n tryin out new tings...hw the ppl i asked 4 help would help me...

at 1 i sent my bro to braddell...tried to look 4 blk 116(cos the "ONEPEOPLE*SG" PLACE IS beside it)...cnt find the blk so called my contacts thr n so i call susanti...hey so long nv hear u:)nearly lost contact eh?haha...
she dont noe the place so gt to find it again...thx to my coin i found it...n damn my sepet eyes,..it was just opposite the place we were standin...

hey su i don tink u wud go to my blog already bt ya thx!sori 4 not keepin in contact with u....alot of tings happen n ya i believe u wud b busy w ur bf n Os right:)

anw hate mrt man...gt molested alot of times....
gd ting gt hp to sms:)

cnt wait 4 tmr man!!!!

Oct 9, 2009

happiest day????

went to ben mum's shop early..he was sick...tryin to bcum a gd big bro carry his bag...
reach sch he went to sick bay..company him met my sec 3...gt trouble eh...

amath was ok....

after pray went to gym...rox cnt follow sad...raz follow:)))
thr gt some ex bowen....

after workout...nv go hm straight...onli me ben n raz go bbt shop...slack...met two sec 3 n tlk to them...
while goin hm i was hapi...veri hapi...sometin hapen...
n ya wow ben...like big bro like small...raz called u sweet to go hm w her...
seems today happy i gt a new frend...
i gt 2 gd frends one of which i was able to help,Bea.
sms mrs li...chated w her...n i feel like cryin...!alot of presure....alot of special ppl to me wanted me to cum back 4 sec5...cn i???i don wan to disapoint ppl...especially the special ppl...haix...god help me...

ytd story...
me ben n jason hide sumwhr...when sec 1 wlk pass we shouted alot of things at them...skali nasrah wlk pass so i kacau...lol...
when i show my face n wanted to shout sori ben shouted "konek aku besar!''...nice...malu...alot of things hapen...bt i malas type...go gym mah....haha!


Oct 7, 2009

:)the rock n the flowers show sometin...guess

3 more papers to go

waited 4 ben outside his shop...suppose to meet him at 1045 bt was thr at 1030...
tot he was nt thr until of cos he came out w onli his boxer...wow!

went to sch...vellan not thr...wlk arnd the sch...

went to the sand pit...study abit... at last "fought" w ben..
i gt hold of his leg...pushes him...
he neraly fall n while fallin i saw the rock bhind him so i push him aside n guess wat?
i fall on the rock n gt a deep cut on my leg..of cos i shouted...
blood was flowing out n gt to was it...thx ben.

b4 ppr tlk w raihan abt sum stuff...sum1 luk at her she nt hapi...

paper was ok...2 ppl bring in hp..n nv GT CAUGHT

gt arnd 1hr30mins to go 4 nite study n ben cnt go:'(...
sum1 told me i gt promoted to STATION INSPECTOR...bt hey...nt official right???anw rosma deserve it...hy congrats.

then tink abt _...wlk arnd hg...w the help of coin again...sum1 sms me to luk left n right while crosin...ya i neraly gt knocked down last time should b careful now...

at night study vellan came to accompany...
saw sum1 alone...hapi....bt 4 awhile...
at first ms loh shouted across the whole canteen(she was lukin 4 sum guy)every1 wen quiet n i go shout EH!...paiseh ppl luk a me...
second...ms loh said she gt cookie 4 every1 n i shout EEYAHHH!malu again...
my hapiness gt away men velan luk at sumtin...i went to luk n yes disapointed
vellan...gd guy...tell me nt to luk n said if he was me he wud go hm.
i wont...
tlk abt sum stuff n then ghost stories...
ben sms me to study n not gt distracted...thx...

bea sms at night abt how she is cruel towards sum ppl...n yea we same species...like to b MENTALIST:P

4 every1...i meet raz w ben...no hanky panky...if u tink im lyin 4 wat!!!i wont write tis if im w her...she is just a lady hu me n ben told to bcum guy...i tink we succeed

Oct 6, 2009

b4 i bury i took a pic of it...ben say i should not even "protect" it w the cover...y did i do it anyway??

anws....today went to hg veri early...

met vellan n hariz at mac...saw firdaus(peicai) n saw ahbeng(hg)...parbhu was thr too..

they played game n lax one corner..thr was 4 not so chio gal was tlkin abt us...cb..told the guys to follow me gt out from thr...wen we wlk off one said bye...stupid...

met raz at student hub w some ppl thr...raz quiet...y?gt hariz eh....

maths was nice...shiok!!tmr die...

vellan sori i teach u wrong tings...haha...muke mu di juboku is totally wrong..nex time teah u my secret:P

well...welll...1st burial anni

the sky view of the sky...hey i hv told jason make a 'club' 4 nature...join!

so ya..naughty g...three monkey found at bedok..

three bros hp

Oct 5, 2009

the burial day...5th oct

nv tot i wud bury it soooo early...was tinkin of 22nd....bt u nid it to b buried right?

jason n ben followed me to bury it...even though its not too deep..i believe no one wud find it...n mayb one day i will dig it out...

the special one being buried..was too much 4 me...took a pic off it...n then wlk away try not to luk back...the rain fall on me...makin the feelin worst...

at mac met kumar n gang...they played a game...not in the mood until of cos jason told a joke n i choke on my food...(kinda racist)

went back bowen...met raz tlk awhile...
saw bea wave n wave...lols

go hm n met ben again at 430 at eunos...his shop...
went bowen n we separate...went to tlk to raz
tlk cock...bt she was quite quiet...saw some ppl n i ran???y???
call ben to cum down to the void deck...play arnd...

630 time to say gd bye n yup thx 4 the little nice secret...
at canteen sat w ms teo...well was lookin at some1 all the way...i tink ms teo noe n tell me not to waste time on ___...she cover the view n i concentrate...
listen music n study...at 8 call ppl...:P

bea thx!found a d friend:)
zhexuen sorry...

4 the girls hu is angry w me...

rmb i told u girls im a mind manipulator?i manipulated ur tinkin?well of cos u wont belive me...especially tis one girl...she say no khalid i noe wat im doin...at last wat hapen???in just one day...wow..
the other gal...i told u,u r easy to gt influence...easy to b manipulated...u say no...wat hapen???

4 the other girls rmb..sometimes i noe something...tats y i do stupid stuff
rmb im not here to make u guys hate me

Oct 4, 2009

i should stop tinkin abt it

ytd tried drinkin naughty G...coke n ginseng like taste...
don noe wat the effect should b...bt felt stupid...say wrong ting..n hype abit???
then wake up today head heavy...bcos of not enough slp?or naughty g...?

stupid of me to read it...
"it wasnt meant to b deep"
im just 16
n pl do not throw tis away...it will probably the last letter...


again did sometin...mum lecture again abt wat kak yani say...

so again i try being hapi...
sms sms...
afiqah:go shopin tk ajak...majuk ah...
rox:mug seh...
raz:kepo nk tahu wat ur sis did buat ape...balik pukul 1 pun ade energy kepo?jahat eh budak H tu gi jln raye u don like...

jog arnd again...damn not improvin....haix...

actually gt alot of ting to say but i 4gt...

oya...zhe xuen...ok..gt it..n yup will try to drink wat u want me to...

Oct 3, 2009

The moments I can't reveal..
Though with a million words and language..
The moments that can't replace..
Although with the whole world..
You teach me to be happy..
When you give me a sweet smile..
You tear down my selfishness..
When the tears roll down in your cheeks..
Baby, I will give everything I had..
Just to see your smile..
And I'd rather hurt myself..
Than to ever make you cry..
I never loved someone like this before.
.But when I fell in love with you..
Everything has change..
Because you are my life, when I love you..

LOVE:Loss of Valuable Energy
I am still devastatedLeft cornered and furstrated
All that has happenedAll that is bound to happen
It wont let me rest tonight
All our lives we waited for this
Now, time to end it with a kiss
sHe was my angel,
my strangerAnd to me,
she was more than a lover
Now I dont know where are you gone
I just dont know how to go on
My heart is still in love with you
But my life doesnt have space for you
Don't worry love,
sooner or laterwe'll be together
Cause now it's not time to survive
We live on in our after life
i guess u r happy!

congrats hyriah w wadi...

congrats rraz 4 eating so much today

congrats rox 4 being strong today(do not fear k?)

Congrats sis 4 goin to her bf open hse

congrats everyone who splashes colour to my dull life!

thx rosma 4 the words to make me strong!

thx my parents 4 stoppin me in time if not i wont b bloggin...

thx zhexuan 4 scoldin me!

thx bea 4 being very scary!

thx afiqah cos she tried to b thr 4 me to tlk to

thx nigel for the hand

thx ben 4 his pen n tellin me not to luk back

thx jason 4 tellin me not to worry..

thx all those hu help!




what hapen is meant to hapen?then i accept it

nv able to slp properly bt was nt feelin tired...

wen 4 physic "class"...came too early n slack...4gt to bring the ting...haix..
at last onli 4 more guys come...
mr tan cn concentrate more 4 us...
i sat away from others...nd my space...

at arnd 1145....sum1 sms me sumtin...smile change to anger n stuff threw my hp at one side n kunliang amaze me...he cn react fast...he caught my fon...wow...n then i did stuff...he stand at one side tellin me i nd to relax...

after that wlk arnd hg...sat at one staircase i nv sit b4...n pussy khalid came....
ppl c i don care...

then saaw rox...she goin mac mit the np guys...
took bus w her nv tlk alot though...

after allightin wlk arnd tis time w the coin s my companion...head left tail right...n thr i go...coincidence?i don noe...i reach the HSE N THE STAIRCASE....sat thr flashback came n...haix...

while continue wlkin sumtin hapen...nearly gt knocked down...gd ting a girl from a sch that has white top pulled me back...best ting i nv say thx...i just luk at her n the driver that was like scolin me n showin signs to me...cb....

at last go bedok cut hair...saw 3 monkey thr...cute...
cut hair alr i 4gt take my bag along...pity the lady gt to run after me n tell me to take my bag...(y she nv bring along...)

at home my parents tlk to me abt tis...
tell me jokes n stuff...
at last abng mamat came...
my parents tell him wat hapen(not all)n he tel me i cn join him go muay thai if i wan!yes...bt no thx...
his wife tell me i should not b so sad..."lepas graduate laut akan jadi lebih besar.buat ape marah2 untuk ikan dari pond...go 4 nemo..."lol...

so i nd my space to tink again...
go 4 a jog...run in the rain veri nice...since nobody else were thr...the track is all 4 me...
at the exercise space i notice two dog...one black n white...the black went off n i called out to the white..s WHITE...he look n came to me...sadly we separated by the fence..i said hi white he bark at me back w his tail goin left n right...i did sometin stupid..i throw a stick n he ran off....

everytin came back to me again...just like joggin...u wan to jog far u hv to slow down n jog at a constant speed...if u sprint u onli gt a distance...
the dog...u nid time to make friends w him..wow...
c i nv call e dog it...

Oct 2, 2009

i cnt take it anymore





thx the bro hu followed me to gym...thx 4 the choc...the sky pic i tool randomli...n sometin i dread to c 2dae

the truth

noe i guess i noe y tis hapen n wat u tryin to say

whr is the moment i hope 4?

thnk YOUfor turnin my day 180degree...
alot of happy tings hapen....bt i seems to 4gt them...

bt i want to thx e ppl hu cared to care 4 me...
some of which is ben hu came to the toilet to check..
bala hu tried to cool me down...
the best sentence came from devi n durga...after helpin me to focus on other tings the tell me tis"khalid u r the most cheerful person i noe...y r u sad?put on a smile cos we believe tings will turn out better 4 u"
touch?yes i am...
i want to thx my dad to hu understand me...i think...he pick me up n felt i am nt myself...he bought me drink n chocolat...after which he tell me nt to go hm first...go bhind our hse n tell me to go for a sprint run...after runnin n felt tired he tell me if i want to shoout i may...so i did....

i wan to say sori to rox cos she sit w me today to tlk abt wat hapen ytd n i guess i was not cooperatin..
thx n sori nigel cos he gv me the chance to let out my feelin on him...
sori ben cos i broke ur pen...i wasnt tinkin i just nd to let out anger n i guess i press to hard..all the ink cum out.sori 4 those book which gt hit by the ink...sori to the ppl h don wan me hurt myself...i guess i was dumb...now my fist is swollen...sori...n thx...

i guess i lost the best thing today...
i gain the truth..
the pain...
the gd frends hu was thr 4 me