Oct 2, 2009

whr is the moment i hope 4?

thnk YOUfor turnin my day 180degree...
alot of happy tings hapen....bt i seems to 4gt them...

bt i want to thx e ppl hu cared to care 4 me...
some of which is ben hu came to the toilet to check..
bala hu tried to cool me down...
the best sentence came from devi n durga...after helpin me to focus on other tings the tell me tis"khalid u r the most cheerful person i noe...y r u sad?put on a smile cos we believe tings will turn out better 4 u"
touch?yes i am...
i want to thx my dad to hu understand me...i think...he pick me up n felt i am nt myself...he bought me drink n chocolat...after which he tell me nt to go hm first...go bhind our hse n tell me to go for a sprint run...after runnin n felt tired he tell me if i want to shoout i may...so i did....

i wan to say sori to rox cos she sit w me today to tlk abt wat hapen ytd n i guess i was not cooperatin..
thx n sori nigel cos he gv me the chance to let out my feelin on him...
sori ben cos i broke ur pen...i wasnt tinkin i just nd to let out anger n i guess i press to hard..all the ink cum out.sori 4 those book which gt hit by the ink...sori to the ppl h don wan me hurt myself...i guess i was dumb...now my fist is swollen...sori...n thx...

i guess i lost the best thing today...
i gain the truth..
the pain...
the gd frends hu was thr 4 me

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