Oct 23, 2009


came to sch w ben...went up to the 4th level took some ppl pic...wtf...damn like pervert...;/

study was like 20% play 80....

everytin else cnt b said....

at arnd 11215 separated w ben,rosma n hy....rosma...reli veri cute...thx.

saw the sec 2...wanted to tlk to them bt they like don noe me...hate tat..reli...bt c tats y im always true..tis sec2 guy my ex partner say was cmi...bt i convince her i believe he ce do it.he cn bcum one of the best n his atti is actually good.i was right c tat guy rmb me n always gv me the luvly n kind wave plus a smile:)thx.i don noe his spelin..bt he is sumtin like suresh?

went to sembayang late...wlk back to sch to look at the banner n gosh my face sux...
ben n rosma went to eat n i kena alone...
farhan was nice to b veri friendly...tlk abt my s.i n stuff...haha...sharina asked me y i nv tlk to my sec two...bt wud they tlk???i feel like i was nv their squad sir...thats life...some ppl will just 4gt u.

went to gym w ben n rosma...at the trackwheel...thr was three n rosma ran in the middle,...raz sad ah cnt go...rox also...
at gym mit (i donoe spell his name)he went 4 commando....
he punch me on the back i nearly retaliate...bt he said eh hi...

after gym i wlk first leavin ben n rosma to buy sometin...aide iskandar smiled...tis time is the first if nt he confirm stonin...sms ben to say thx to rosma....n now im home...i feel veri diff...veri veri different...maybe bcuz now im tinkin of U

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