Oct 16, 2009

math class

i reach sch at 7...or 715...
i sms hy cuz she nid my help...i don noe y i cnt say yes...
sat w mr yeo tlk abt amath...suddenli saw my HUT!OUR HUT!the feelin of hurt n sadness came...the hut which is our heart of friendship was build thr n its destroy after we Pass oUT!!!
many teachers came down to eat...majority hu noe me tlk to me abt my hut....the nicest is ms james...her mouth open so big n she said she was sori 4 me...she told me the sch shouldnt have done tat...well its "our" hut k every teacher noe.its our hq.my hq.
,mr chua tell me to imagine thr is the hut n go sit...some other teacher told me i cn do "petition" to hv back my hut...lol...

my bag was left w a group of teacher namely ms goh n mr yeo...i told kun lianf take 4 me.at last kene "interogate" cuz they say i whr gt shy n shuld hv just ask 4 my bag haha...

go student hub n play game...gt hyper thr...then saw hy cryin...y???y did i care n run after her...at last kena scold...:(
bt still i was hyper...wen to canteen n ask every1 if they miss me...
ms normala call at 9 n tell me to tell the class to go up n of cos i shout...then she laugh...hyper mah...

b4 goin prayer play m.o.h w bros....
after...go j8...gt angry at some ppl n also the ppl at the sony eriksson ting...

gym some guys thr flirt seh w gals thr...eheh...
i nearly lost my cool at 1 guy...gd ting vellan thr...haix...
some ppl thx eh i waitin 4 a favourable reply!!!!!!!!>;(

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