Oct 3, 2009

what hapen is meant to hapen?then i accept it

nv able to slp properly bt was nt feelin tired...

wen 4 physic "class"...came too early n slack...4gt to bring the ting...haix..
at last onli 4 more guys come...
mr tan cn concentrate more 4 us...
i sat away from others...nd my space...

at arnd 1145....sum1 sms me sumtin...smile change to anger n stuff threw my hp at one side n kunliang amaze me...he cn react fast...he caught my fon...wow...n then i did stuff...he stand at one side tellin me i nd to relax...

after that wlk arnd hg...sat at one staircase i nv sit b4...n pussy khalid came....
ppl c i don care...

then saaw rox...she goin mac mit the np guys...
took bus w her nv tlk alot though...

after allightin wlk arnd tis time w the coin s my companion...head left tail right...n thr i go...coincidence?i don noe...i reach the HSE N THE STAIRCASE....sat thr flashback came n...haix...

while continue wlkin sumtin hapen...nearly gt knocked down...gd ting a girl from a sch that has white top pulled me back...best ting i nv say thx...i just luk at her n the driver that was like scolin me n showin signs to me...cb....

at last go bedok cut hair...saw 3 monkey thr...cute...
cut hair alr i 4gt take my bag along...pity the lady gt to run after me n tell me to take my bag...(y she nv bring along...)

at home my parents tlk to me abt tis...
tell me jokes n stuff...
at last abng mamat came...
my parents tell him wat hapen(not all)n he tel me i cn join him go muay thai if i wan!yes...bt no thx...
his wife tell me i should not b so sad..."lepas graduate laut akan jadi lebih besar.buat ape marah2 untuk ikan dari pond...go 4 nemo..."lol...

so i nd my space to tink again...
go 4 a jog...run in the rain veri nice...since nobody else were thr...the track is all 4 me...
at the exercise space i notice two dog...one black n white...the black went off n i called out to the white..s WHITE...he look n came to me...sadly we separated by the fence..i said hi white he bark at me back w his tail goin left n right...i did sometin stupid..i throw a stick n he ran off....

everytin came back to me again...just like joggin...u wan to jog far u hv to slow down n jog at a constant speed...if u sprint u onli gt a distance...
the dog...u nid time to make friends w him..wow...
c i nv call e dog it...

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