Oct 15, 2009


wat a borin day...mr joe nv call...haix...

sent sis to sch...n started to sms ppl to go out....wow now a days i like goin out w frends y???haix...god nows...i think should start spendin time w my family man....

well some ppl end sch today...congrats...
bea thx 4 checkin out for me the organisation!thx really i appreciate it.

sms my bro naz...well cool...
gt fed up w some ppl...kip changin mind...n ya gd tink gt naz...eleh action...at last luk at gals...haix...

don reli hv much to do....bt ya thx to those hu is helpin me find the orga. namely ms normala n bea...thx rox 4 tellin me i should find work...haha

khalid lazy pig

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