Oct 9, 2009

happiest day????

went to ben mum's shop early..he was sick...tryin to bcum a gd big bro carry his bag...
reach sch he went to sick bay..company him met my sec 3...gt trouble eh...

amath was ok....

after pray went to gym...rox cnt follow sad...raz follow:)))
thr gt some ex bowen....

after workout...nv go hm straight...onli me ben n raz go bbt shop...slack...met two sec 3 n tlk to them...
while goin hm i was hapi...veri hapi...sometin hapen...
n ya wow ben...like big bro like small...raz called u sweet to go hm w her...
seems today happy i gt a new frend...
i gt 2 gd frends one of which i was able to help,Bea.
sms mrs li...chated w her...n i feel like cryin...!alot of presure....alot of special ppl to me wanted me to cum back 4 sec5...cn i???i don wan to disapoint ppl...especially the special ppl...haix...god help me...

ytd story...
me ben n jason hide sumwhr...when sec 1 wlk pass we shouted alot of things at them...skali nasrah wlk pass so i kacau...lol...
when i show my face n wanted to shout sori ben shouted "konek aku besar!''...nice...malu...alot of things hapen...bt i malas type...go gym mah....haha!


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