Jul 13, 2010

arh...tired of gtin piss...bt...

ytd...wanted take bus..then gt raz...it was weird nt tlkin so much...the awkward silence was like being in the middle of an empty land...

today...came to sch being ok.rejected again.
watch netball gal play.then out of the blue a ball hit kumar 's face.the gal wanted to say sori bt i said no nid s kumar is a big boys he cn take hit.he was fumin mad w me...haha.

sch started slow....the tlk was v meaninful...mt class was...fine?
wen it was s.s time i gt f.i gt angry wen mr chua scolded vellan.then vellan tell me its ok.so i cont w disturbin mr chua.he said it was his job to stress student.logic?no.n i pity ruting.wen i try to defend.i end up being punish...damn....

then tings gt worst in eng.over seats i gt angry.just bcuz ben showed face i gt piss and nearly did sumtin.gd ting ben just kept quiet.i then did my speech...blabla.lunch break...wen to teachers 4 dpa help.k im in the wrong bt mr soo agreed to help n told me to b in charge in the i room.many teachers came n said ok after i told them the prob.bt then mr tan came in n...told us off?it wasnt reli tell us off bt i guess i was too...sensitive?i told vellan to off the com.mr tan(i tink)realise i angry n said tat onli two at a time in the rm.i said 4gt it n wlk off.damn he is my fav teacher...after normala....
then ms teo came to class slightly late.i told her off.wen she asked wat hapen i answered tat sum teachers are bullshit.i actually use the word!ARH...then kip sayin shit teacher n stuff.then ms teo said she wud let us use her lappy.i mean i feel damn wrong n told her i owe her two.haha she 4gt last yr on her bdae i made her stay back.she was like eh u rmb?!
of cuz....haha
then she told me off nicely which i take lightli.n ask her if she wan me blanja bbt.she dowan.lol cutest teacher.

eng acp no class...cb....

im sori i gt angry!

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