Jul 22, 2010

racial harmony day...:D

yeah racial hramony!
bt abit spoil cuz rain...
came sch n call ben to gv me his costume...he broght baba(though alot say damn indon)
so then joined kumar n others:Dlook arnd n tis time gt sumtin special.alot of ppl costume to luk at:P
it was nice to c jon wearin his cute costume.alot of gal bcum damn chio...

then tings gt nice.everytin seems shiok today.
gals smillin guys droolin:D
take pic w sum ppl...wen wan take w hy jon was thr to tell us how to do.wen i say no he say i pussy.aiyah hu wont like.last yr i luckier gt alot of ppl hug...hehe

oya then gt a call from sp for med n com...aiyah...next wik test n interview...Y MUST TAKE TEST?!

oya...then heard abt tis teacher...i hate him...though hy told me i cnt hate tat much.i just do.n i guess my curse came true.sori cher...(i cant tell his name cuz sum ppl r from eunos readin tis)

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