Jul 5, 2010

youth day...

woke up...feelin tired...bt then still wan go gym...

hariz came late...onli me n him today...i went up first....
gym havin a make over...nice...

hariz came at 10 plus...
tlk abt hmwk n soccer...
then wen we were doin i saw thr was tis group(consist of 3 gals twwo boys n 1 lady...hu i guess the teacher)...i did the semi chin up(i dont noe wats the real name its whr ur leg hv to b bent)n start doin...wen i gt down the gals wanted to do the same...wen two of the gal shove a gal to do it first tat gal nearly fall...gd ting the other two catches her...of course i tried to save.
then i paiseh to tell them how to do it so told hariz to show them.hariz didnt nid to b told twice n went up n did it...
then the the teacher came w the two guys n they try do...i guess it was their first time since none of them noe wat to do.i told hariz to tell the teacher on how to do it easily...after the 3 gals go to the threadmill i went up to the teacher n the two boys.guess i bcome the instructer...
i teach...then went they still seems so blur i told them to observe how i do it...n at last they cn...n after tat kip repeatin thnk you...

another day of a memorable day at the gym...hmm did i tell u guys?
thr was incident whr vellan ask 4 number...tis...then i nearly gt fight...at last the most memorable...wen i was w vellan(tat time onli vellan n me went 4 gym)ve inside the toilet n thr was tis guys...i told vellan confirm he gay by the way he act...vellan say he wan c how gay gt their partner so i hide in a cubicle n waited while vellan act s if he alone in the toilet...the gay did wat a gay will do...n wen i went out tat gay left in a hurry...lol we gt a good laugh...vellan certainly learnt sumtin.hehe

erm anw shar n me ok already yeah!!!!!!!

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