Jul 21, 2010

tired siol...

tired sia today.came to sch kena collect s.s paper...
then blabla.
gt fire drill...damn sec 5 most noisy n childish....
oya i tink today is a day whr i gt tings done wen i say it.y?many reason...
first collin.he doesnt reli listen to instruction....bt just nw at field tell him sit here n thr he follow.until kumar say like eh power how cum he listten.

then s.s must collect money...collin came to my table n put damn lots of coin.i f fast gt piss n guess the others saw.rai told me to compose myself(thx rai)n then jon n aaron act funny.

then math ben cnt go class.i try my way of sms.(well ppl say i flirt.i sy i manipulate..)so usin my so call "skill" i want to try on ben..though w guys i did a different approach...
at last ben listen n say sori....

then recess wei jie was outside sch.mr see was telin him to come inside sch.he dowan.
i try again.n he follow.yes!damn hapi so i eat:P

then eng was norm...
a math was fun!all those racist n size jokes was funny!
then we gt 10 min break.me n vellan wan thrill n wan beat our 10 mins record.
so we time n ran out of sch to buy twisties n bbt:DWE DID IT IN 8 MINS!haha.ppl was like"eh how u do it"."eh tat was fast" n stuff...lol...then the chinese guys wanted to eat the twisties...
i let them eat abit.bcuz they didnt wanna share their food.rai say i was v firm.n then i like k mayb i was bad.then bloody hell aaron like just snatch the food n it was like a trigger...
i told warn him n then he don dare touch.i kept watch of his hand n i knew once or twice he wanted to reach out to eat.i pity him.bt then kip telin myself he don desrve it.
bt wen he ask"eh take ur food cn?"i like walao....k la take then he quickli boot lick!rai ws like c la wan act good la....n the way he boot lick suck la...like tellin me porn website.i play along...
n anw it was funny how some ppl watch weird porn!damn funny.also gt to know abt mr yeo history...basicly a math is v v v v fun!

then nid stay back 4 normala.1 guy nv come.i gt to save him by tellin bullshit "truth".
then me n kumar gt away.summore gt chcolate from her:D:D:D
waited 4 vellan n takuya finish work...look at pds from far.cute sia...

then go hm...wlk w vellan.saw the indian security....
he kept jaywlkin...act cool izzit?me n vellan then joke arnd...(some were little racist)...

arh tmr...wearin batik?ben will pinjam.wanted sumtin new tis yr.knaw alot wont wear costume...
guess some gal wont wear typical cheongsam...(right spllin no?)good la.though i tink they look sexy.seeing sometin new wud b lovely.more special.

lets c hu gts typical n hu is special

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