Jul 20, 2010

a little of here n thr...

sch start was ok....the performance ws like...borin n v short....

mt class ok la...
then...other subject notin special...

at 1230 we finish sch.left 5 of us n hy to help move table.
then we started to play.
then sumtin crap hapen.ben spit.(donoe if he purposeli)...i gt piss.i start to provoke him.pushin n n stuff.i noe he will gt angry.bt he didnt retaliate...hariz gt push off..haix.at last vellan pull me.i try cool down n telll ben gt lost....

after tat the day bcum suck.
listenin compre was easy...
go hm take bus w sab....

wen at hm i listen to 'harapan'(i noe v jiwang)then rmb abt ben.its our song.wen i broke up n feelin down we sat tgt like to gay n listen to the song.i began regret pushin ben.the sumtin nice hapen.i check my hp n thr ben name pops up.he told me he was listenin to harapan n tot of me n he say he sori he was wrong.n of cuz i say it was my fault to.then ya all those love you bro cum out...:Pn yeah tings gt better yeah!

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