Jul 9, 2010


malay class.ok la...feelin nervous....
other subject good...?

phy.cn i say easy?bt cnt act...so chill...wAIT 4 result ya....

then go oral...damn im the third...it sucks...the oral...easy...bt i noe i flunk it.though i made them laugh to loosen tings up.it was stressfull....
in the end i tink i spent less then 5 min in the room?it was so stupid...in quarantine rm cn still play...walao...

dou heng came back.so challenge him to pds.guess he is still better cuz he is after all the person hu teach me.bt it was damn fun.he did a move n i hv to follow.then he did two hand spin n stuf n i follow then it was quite cool...we end it like act like tat.he ended w the risin sun i ended w the sundown?haha

at last gt angry w a guy n a gal.atti.nearly went out of control w the guy

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