Jul 19, 2010


arh gt hyper today:D

nafa was like shit.shuttle run the first trial i cud hv gotten 8 second!(cuz nigel gt ++)so i like f up!how the hell did the shuttle cork slip off?n y didnt i just cont run!the followin run was shit.i tottaly lose concentration n nearly did split:P
sit n reach 3 try.vast improvement btwin 2nd n 3rd try.
chin up was damn...k i gt to admit i wanted to show off bt wrong move.wen i reach 10 i hang down.hold 1 hand...the do 1 more.then kip changin hand...:Pat last reli cnt make it...damn!
standin board jump 2nd...shit cud hv done better.5 more cn!

then ya hariz gt injured.cnt move so i told him i wud piggyback.all the way to p.e rm.slow n steady bt he say still pain.then me n kumar did fireman style thingy...to carry hariz.sum idiots purposely cover our way.gt angry i shouted move off ppl injured.tat idiot cn say o reli injured ah?
kumar damn piss say "o no we actin"lol...goin up the stairs was a little difficult.kumar was taller n hariz weight was like on me...bt at last we did it:D

class was fun.eng..jon funny tlk abt havin many partners to hv sex.n say i also do the same HAHA!
oya ms huang say i handsome haha:Dshe came to me n say u khalid right i saw ur pic n u handsome ah.haha....k tis is just 4 fun kaes!
chem was soso...
math...tlk to ben...he dowan to gv in to ms normala.haix.bt cher was good lol.damn cute!then in the class she say abt being tight.then tat time im nt tinkin dirty.then i look at her.she look at me.she smile.then dirty thoughts came into me.i smile.haha.then she say i dirty wat the.

thr was tis group of sec 1...we tlk.they gt all....hyper...i left...

s.s mr chua was late...easy la test...

go hm gt raz again.tis time we tlk abit.o c bf eh!!!anw wat abt easier to approach?means number?

yeah funn la today.i hapi the guys did their best.i hapi i help nigel.i hapi collin show us that he care abt class.so yeah thx ppl 4 makin a good day.everyone did!

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