Jul 24, 2010

wat a luck

ytd nv on com.v tired...y ya?....forgot...bt i do rmb tat ytd i tot i was lucky.mr farid at assembly was standin so close to me.vellan was doin the stupid heartbeat thing n ben was like attracting farid's attention.i was like k kip cool kip cool....then mr farid stand bhind me.my heart race...then he wlk away phew....
fast foward...
wen goin mosque...we had second thought.so we use coin to decide whether to take test w others or go mosque.at last we go mosque n pray tat it rain heavily...i guess all of us had to much sin tat got make it hot.wat a luck....summore bloody hell at mosque farid cum to me hold my hair bhind n tell me to cut!!!FUCKKKKKKKK.............
the test was ok anw.borin bt ok.mostli fun part is bcuz mr shafiee...

today cut hair the tail.n i like fuck.my hair sucks!its funny!Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.hate it.arh wat a luck........oya today go library:)

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