Jul 17, 2010

pop for 09/10...

woke up early.then gt ready for pop.
its was rainin heavili...

wen reach sch mit douheng.
soon the others come in..
kacau2 n play.at last the parade start.wow nice...

at lt rm sat infront to gv support to sec 3 n others.their pds was v nervous.i infront tellin them wat to do:PPROUD OF THEM MAN!!!!!!MUACKXXXXX

bahrain is a gd dancer man haha!pop overall was gd!well done ncos!

after tat play badminton.then tlk2....
go eat at hg pt.then buy bdae cake 4 july bdae ....baby?(tats wat rh call them)...
rh was fun.so long nv tlk to her.missssssss her!then wen tlk abt our history she told me how bad i was...haix...sori rh.....

k la v tired...
oya wow hy wear colour match!STALKER!

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