Jul 7, 2010


ytd...was a dissapointin day...i realise i failed.i love the ppl.bt i failed.it sucks.i nearly flare bt i guess its nt worth it........
u guys just nid to learn more.
hmm...bt ytd gt to kacau mr chua...he scolded me...bt wasnt in the mood to gt angry cuz vellan is thr bside me being joker...so disturb mr chua...he came to my table n scold me.i just said "cher sorry la bt cher i love you...you love me right?tats y..."amazinli he nn gt angry n keep quiet.cute sia.

today seems....nice?
some ppl tell me their prob...it makes me happier...stupid?no i dont tink so...
kacau2 ppl....hmm....oya sumtin abt my bros in sch...one of them damn cute...he cnt say handsome properli...so everytime he one suck up,he would say"eh brother i love you la u v hamsun."lol damn funny...gt alots more bt ya next time yo...
hmm wat else...alot hapen...bt just tat my mind is disturb...so ya

adios!yeah spain n germany soon!!!

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